Pt. 1 Epilogue

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He let his wrist fall back down as he pulled me close, leaning in and closing his eyes as he connected our lips, letting his blood run freely into my mouth.

Almost immediately, I felt pain flare up as he held me back to keep me from writhing around.

3rd Person POV

Jungwon clenched his eyes shut the second he felt Yumin writhing in his arms. He knew she was in pain due to the transformation, but he couldn't do anything other than hold her down. So as she started to whimper into his mouth, he felt his heart slowly shatter into pieces.

Once the blood had been drained out of his mouth, Jungwon released Yumin and gently laid her down back on the bed as she started to lose consciousness. He knew that she would regain it in a few minutes, so he patiently sat next to her on the blankets and admired her beautiful features.

Just looking at her made Jungwon's heart flutter, something he was taught while growing up that he shouldn't feel as the crown prince. He couldn't control his feelings though, and he didn't exactly want to either. The way her eyelashes softly rested against her cheeks, the small curve of a smile she subconsciously possessed while sleeping, it all drove him crazy. He would never get used to it, the delightful feeling that bubbled up inside of him every time he kissed her.

Oh, he was in love.

So impossibly deep in love.

Jungwon raised a hand and tenderly brushed some strands of hair out of Yumin's face, fingers lingering against her cheek before he abruptly pulled his hand back and mentally scolded himself for being weird. But, he couldn't help it. After all, he had been forced to push their memories to the back of his head for all these years.

His first love, Yumin.

Coming back from his father's quarters only to find out that the Queen had relocated his childhood best friend and love had been quite a shock to his six year old self. In fact, the young prince had locked himself in his room for an entire day after that, threatening to order a royal execution against anyone who dared try and coax him out. It had taken him an entire month to start partaking in conversations with others again, and even then, he was seemingly uninterested in all things.

In all honesty, although he really did think and care for the human children at the farms, the main reason why he had even thought of helping them escape in the first place was an attempt to find his lost love. Jungwon had vowed to train and study excessively in hopes of finding her. It came with its dangers, including many instances where he had been right at the edge of the line of being caught. But, he had never regretted it. And he never would.

Jungwon would even give up his title and crown for her.

It had been just as much as a shock when Yumin had practically walked right to him the day they finally met again. All the efforts spent trying to find her in the other farms, only for her to be right under his nose.

What a cruel joke that terrible Queen had played.

Of course she had been aware of his feelings for Yumin, and so she had happily stepped in and crushed his heart. He sucked in a breath at the thought of what could've happened if the Queen had also known Yumin was a pure blood.

How cliche, he thought to himself while leaning his upper torso against the wall and intertwining his hand with hers. The crown prince of a kingdom falling in love with the daughter of his servant.

Next to him, Yumin shivered, signaling that she was beginning to regain consciousness. Jungwon sat up straighter, awaiting what was to come next.

Yumin stirred, mumbling to herself before jerking up. She sat up, eyes glowing a bright red and fervently searching for something. The low growls coming from her throat signaled that she was in the zone, a subconscious mental area that vampires entered when encountered with a dangerous lack of blood. While in the zone, vampires temporarily -or permanently, depending on the strength of the vampire- lose their control and desperately seek blood.

Jungwon grabbed onto her waist, letting her know of his presence. She immediately turned to him, growling uncontrollably and latching her hands on him. They fell back onto the bed at the impact with Jungwon calmly looking up at Yumin as he laid underneath her. She leaned down.

Jungwon closed his eyes with a content smile. His own fangs made a brief appearance at the action before he slightly tilted his head to expose his neck to her, an open invitation.

Yumin's glowing eyes landed on his neck. Without hesitation, she opened her mouth, fangs glinting in the light. She shuddered and clenched his shirt in her fist as his sweet, royal blood seeped into her mouth the second her fangs pierced his pale neck.

This was the start of the restoration of the most powerful vampire that ever lived.

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