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A/N: guys am i missing something here or what because how are five people already viewing my chapters before i publish them lmaoaskdfjsdlkf ?

tw: torture

Yumin's POV

I opened my eyes with a pounding headache, and an even more painful side. It felt like I had just woken up from a two thousand year long nap, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually did tell me that.

Not recognizing the cieling nor the sheets underneath me, I sat up in panic. Immediately, the pain from my side seeped up to the rest of my body and my headache increased. I clutched my side, looking around at my surroundings in a daze.

A gentle hand grabbed my arm, slowly easing me back into a lying position on the bed. "My lady, you musn't make any harsh movements or your stitches will open up. Have no worries, you're in the palace infirmary right now."

I turned to the person who had helped me, none other than Geonu. He looked tired, with large eyebags underneath his eyes. However, there was an undenying sense of relief in his face.

He was right, the area we were in did look like an infirmary. Curtains surrounded us, slightly opened up behind him to reveal beds lined up on the other side of the wall and nurses going to and fro. Next to my bed was a table, a glass of water and pill laid carefully on it.

"What... happened?" I asked cautiously.

Geonu sat back down into the seat pulled up next to my bed, his sword hilt glinting. He took the glass of water and pill in his hand and handed them to me. "The nurse informed me to have you take this when you wake up. It was made in the human world specifically for humans, and she called it a 'painkiller'."

I threw the pill into my mouth and swallowed it with the water. The water made my head feel cooler, as if giving my brain a wash.

"You were stabbed. The pursuer was a vampire and he managed to get close to you while we were eating. We suspect that he had been keeping an eye on you the entire time you were at the market, though. Along with this, we have concluded that it couldn't have been a random target."

I stayed silent, trying to process what Geonu had said. I had not been able to sense the pursuer until just a few seconds before he had acted, which meant he was experienced. This was horrible news, considering the fact that Jungwon and I had not even started planning yet and we'd already made enemies. The enemies were already a step ahead of us, preventing us from being able to meet each other and plan the children's escape.

Geonu continued. "We believe that the attacker's plan was not to kill you, as the only way you could've died from a wound like this would be infection which -thankfully- we were able to prevent. Instead the attacker probably meant to inflict a deep enough wound to draw a significant amount of blood to turn on the vampire instincts of the vampires around you. That would have been lethal, especially since you possess 'premium' blood."

Then, Geonu dropped onto a knee. "As the royal guards assigned to protect you and his highness that day, we have failed our duty. We accept and deserve any punishment you and his highness decide upon us." He said with his head dipped in shame.

I put the glass back onto the table, quickly reaching down to his arm and chuckling nervously. I was still not used to this professionalism from the guards and being at this level of respect. "Please, stand back up. There will be no such punishment, as Jungwon invited you guys to sit and relax too. No one expected an attacker so suddenly."

Geonu returned to his spot in his chair. "Excuse my curtness, my lady, but you've been asleep for the past three days due to our rashness. This is not a situation to be taken lightly."

I waved my hand, dismissing it and trying to lighten up the mood. "To be completely honest, I expected it. I wouldn't be surprised if one of Jungwon's admirers hired someone to take me out. Have you seen the amount of girls fawning over him?"

I shivered bringing up my arms to hug myself. "Their beady eyes from my welcoming party are already permanently burned into my mind."

The corner of Geonu's mouth slightly quirked up, confirming my attempt to lighten up the mood as a success. He brought up a hand to cover his mouth and his laugh, apologizing. Looking at him, I realized it was the first time I saw him smile. It made him look younger, temporarily taking away the soldier and replacing it with a young boy.

"Yes, it appears his highness is quite popular with the ladies. He always has been." Geonu said, smile still evident on his face as he looked down.

I tilted my head. "'He always has been?' Did you guys know each other when you were younger?"

Geonu nodded, his smile faltering a bit. "Yeah, you could say that. We weren't exactly friends, though."

I leaned back against the bed, looking up at the cieling. Geonu's words seemed to have some type of hidden meaning, but I didn't want to press it. It didn't look like something he was comfortable talking about, especially someone with as little words as himself.

"Speaking of Jungwon, where is he? Aren't I supposed to wake up from a traumatic experience with my prince fawning over me and reciting to me the excruciating pain he went through whilst waiting for me to wake up?" I joked.

"His highness is with your attacker right now, as he has been the past few days. He was the one who went after him and caught him. I almost feel bad for the poor guy. His highness was fuming." Geonu told me. He lifted up his hand to adjust the blanket surrounding me.

"And plus, perhaps I could be your prince." He said with a small smile.

Narrator's POV

"Please... just kill.. me." A man's ragged voice choked out.

Jungwon leaned back against his seat, looking in disgust at the blood painted all over his clothes before scoffing at the man. Looking at the pathetic man tied onto the chair in front of him, Jungwon wanted to kill him immediately. However, he knew that he could make more use out of the man by getting information out of him before he finished the job, no matter how long it would take.

"Not a chance, at least until you tell me who sent you. Then, I might consider killing your ugly ass." Jungwon sneered, before throwing salt at the deep gash on the man's side, the wound almost identical to the one he had given Yumin. Jungwon had made sure of that. Immediately, steam came out of the wound and the man hissed in pain through his teeth. Jungwon pressed his knee onto the wound, making the man scream out in pain.

"How does it feel? To be given back what you gave to Yumin?" Jungwon hissed into the man's ear, pressing his knee further into his side.

After the man made no further comment nor gave any information, Jungwon sighed, removing his knee from the man's side. He checked his watch, wiping away the blood on it to reveal the time.

"Ah," Jungwon sighed in dissapointment. "I've spent three entire days with this bastard and gathered nothing but his annoying screams. Yumin might've woken up by now."

Jungwon turned to his guard, holding out his hand. His eyes were ablaze again, the anger evident in them. "Knife."

The guard quickly grabbed the man's bloody knife from the counter and gave it to the young prince, not wanting to risk facing Jungwon's wrath.

Jungwon stood up, slowly dragging his chair to the man's other side. The man's eyes followed Jungwon's movements in fear as the prince settled down in his seat again, twirling the knife around. They widened as the man understood what Jungwon was going to do. Jungwon was going to make him go through hell again, on the other side.

"Let's try this again, shall we?" Jungwon asked, aiming the knife and plunging it down.

Before it could make contact with his skin, the man screamed out. "No! Please, I'll tell you everything I know. Just don't hurt me again."

Jungwon halted his movements, head slightly tilting in satisfaction before tossing the knife back onto the counter. He leaned back, crossing his legs and folding his arms.

Jungwon gave the man a smile. "Glad we're on the same page now. Just a fair warning though - if I find out you lied about anything, I won't hesitate to start right back at where we left off."

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