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Two days, midnight.

Two days, midnight.

Two days, midnight.

I let out a groan, putting my head in my hands. I was still in the garden, my mind racing and thinking of all possible outcomes. 

If I didn't go, it would cause a stir among humans and think that the vampires have persuaded me to stay here. However, if I did go, what was to happen? Would they try to use me as an insight into the palace? But, I would be the most obvious spy considering that I was on basically every noble's radar. 

And, Yunseo didn't even know that I was a vampire. If she knew this, she might end up killing me too. 

Why did everyone want to kill me? 

The worst part of all of this was that I still didn't know how to use my powers as a pureblood, which meant that I was rendered useless to both parties. The only part of me that felt changed was my heightened senses, other than the drink-a-glass-of-blood once a week part. 

I sighed with even more thoughts racing through my head, standing up and heading out of the garden. Geonu, who had been guarding me and standing outside the door of the garden for my privacy, immediately followed me. 

"My lady," He said, coming up to walk next to me, his posture as straight as ever. "The sun is starting to set. I think we should start heading back to his majesty's bedchambers now." 

I glanced up at the sky, and the sun had indeed begun to set. It reflected a a mix of strawberry pink and blue across the open air, the sight relaxing. "I suppose you're right."

As we headed back, I couldn't help but feel a bit disheartened. Jungwon would've known what to do in this situation. He would've been there for me, leading me and laying out the possible choices I had and the outcomes of each path. He always knows what to do. 

Except get his heart straight. I mentally pouted. 

I hiked up my skirt, preparing to take the flight up the stairs. For some odd reason, after the passing of a noble, all habitants of the palace were required to take the stairs rather than the elevator in a sign of mourning the passed. I don't know. It's a cultural thing. 

By the time I reached Jungwon's bedchambers, which were inconveniently located on the seventh floor, I was racing to catch my breath, a hand reaching out to hold onto the walls. There's no way I'm that out of shape, right? I glanced down at my feet, blaming it on the heels I was wearing. 

Turning to the side, I gawked at Geonu- who had barely broken out into sweat. 

He only offered me a small smile. "I believe you might need to start your training again."

To his surprise, I nodded. "I do too. Perhaps it could spark my Pureblood powers. You or Jungwon should start scheduling my training again." 

Geonu shot me a smile. "Will do, my lady." 

Once he walked me back to my door, he left with a quick bow. 

I opened the door with a frown, sensing that something was off the moment I saw the lack of servants in the hallway. Preparing myself for the worst, I slammed the door back and swiftly held up the small dagger hidden in the pocket of my dress. 

A crash sounded, followed by a small, "Fuck." 

My jaw fell open as I took in the sight in front of me. There were balloons floating in every corner of the living room, the small table in front of the sofas filled with chocolates and small cakes. However, what stood out to me the most was Jungwon, who was sprawled out on the ground with an equally bewildered expression, a knocked-over chair right next to him. Above my prince, there was a banner with his scrawny handwriting on it that said, "I'm sorry :(." 

"Oh my god." He said, bringing an embarrassed hand up to his mouth. 

Taking in the shocked look on my face, he jumped up and grabbed the bouquet of flowers gently set on the table and walked up to me. I stayed in my spot, only staring at him as he took my hand. 

"Yumin," Jungwon said, his familiar eyes big and apologetic. "I'm really, really sorry for what happened the other night. I shouldn't have taken my anger out at you, and you did nothing wrong. I know this is no excuse but I was just really shocked and shaken up that night after my father died, but I still had no right to take it out on you. I should have listened to you, and that was entirely my fault. I know I should've done this sooner, but I've been so busy with all of my work and duties that I didn't have time- but now I see that I should have put you first rather than my work- oh god. Yumin, please don't cry. I'm gonna cry." He rambled, but pausing and lip quivering the second he saw my glossed over eyes. 

To be honest, I was 100% without a doubt going to start crying in two seconds. And I did exactly that. 

Tears rolled down my face as I held my arms up, my prince gladly falling into them and letting the forgotten bouquet fall out of his hands and onto the ground. He latched onto my shoulders, my face falling into the crook of his neck and my arms circling around his waist. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered, voice shaking as his tears fell onto my hair. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I love you. I love you so fucking much."

Hearing his words, I only squeezed him tighter, repeating his words. 

"I'm sorry. I love you." 

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