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"Hey Jungwon, your younger self's head is s big that it's giving me mega mind." He snickered.

Jungwon let his face fall into his hands. "Hyung..."

I adjusted the backpack Diana had packed for me over my shoulders, letting out a small smile when recalling our conversation.

"Ooh," She has cooed, triple checking the contents of my bag to make sure she had not forgotten anything "Please do not forget to do your skincare routine- oh and remember," she held up three of her fingers for emphasis, "apply on three fingers worth of sunscreen."

"Noted." I let her know with a grin. Diana sighed and lifted up her hand to softly pat my cheek. "I better not see a single pimple on your face when you come back." She has chirped at me.

Now, the eight of us were shuffling out of the palace and into our assigned cars. There were four royal cars of the Yang palace that would be taking us in total, meaning we would be split into pairs. Obviously, Jungwon and I were in the same car. The other pairs were Sunoo and Niki, Jake and Sunghoon, and Jay and Heeseung.

"Next time..." Jungwon murmured to himself next to me. I glanced at him, the corner of my lips lifting at the sight of the boy in heavy thought. He had been muttering something about placing salt around the room to prevent teleportation from certain people the entire time we made our way down.

The royal guard opened our car door for us, and I quickly jumped in with Jungwon right behind me. We settled into our seats, carefully placing our bags next to us as the car took off.

Jungwon lifted his wrist to glance at his watch, saying, "It'll only be about an hour drive, so no need to worry about being bored."

I nodded, eyes latching on the window next to me as the trees and buildings whirred by the vehicle.

Suddenly, another one of the royal vehicles caught up to us and drove next to us. I was met with Riki and Sunoo's faces through the windows. While Sunoo gave me an excited wave, Riki playfully stuck his tongue out at the two of us.

I returned Sunoo's wave, beaming at them. From my peripheral view, I saw Jungwon reciprocate Riki's actions. I laughed at the sight, to which he grinned back.

Our car ended up passing theirs, so I was once again left with the view of buildings passing by us through the night. A question popped up in my mind.

"Do you know who's going to be our guards at the beach?" I asked Jungwon, shifting my eyes to him. "You mentioned it would have to be someone you trusted leading them."

It was as if I had dumped an ice bucket on him. His shoulder slumped and his lips formed a pout as he looked away. "Yeah, Geonu." He quietly muttered.

"Who?" I asked, leaning closer to him as I had trouble hearing him due to the acute volume he had answered in.

"Geonu." Jungwon clarifies, looking me in the eyes. It was clear that he wasn't too pleased with his choice.

"Ah." I said, finding his little feud with Geonu funny. "And who are the others?"

"K and Taki. They're slightly more tolerable than Geonu, thank god." He answered with a smile.

I laughed at his poor attempt to convince himself his choice of guards was valid. We spent the rest of the car ride chatting about the most random things, ranging from the spider that had given me a heart attack yesterday to a childhood story of Jungwon tripping in front of his class on the first day of school.

Soon enough, the car came to a halt in the brightly lit drop off area of a resort. The door was opened for us, exposing us to the blast of tropical music playing from the lobby area. My eyes lit up as I stepped out of the car and took in the surrounding.

Most of the architecture and furniture was made of wood and bamboo, which added a relaxing, airy atmosphere to the resort. Flowers were sprinkled along the tables, and modern lights illuminated the room.

The lobby area was an open space and tall in height. Receptionists stood behind the desks, trained smiles plastered on their faces as they welcomed us in. Behind me, I could hear the other boys excitedly chattering about the result. It appeared that I wasn't the only one who had never been here.

However, it was the beach that the lobby faced that caught my attention. I walked to the railing, taking in the scene in front of me.

Although it was the night, fairy lights and small lamps on the trees made the beach glow softly. The sand was white and powdery, almost not a speck of black pebble in sight. Chairs, beds, and hammocks of all sorts were placed along the beach, facing the roaring ocean. The water wasn't exactly visibly clear since it was the night, but it looked clean as it calmly fell against the sand.

"My lady," a voice next to me said. "Would you like a drink while you wait to be checked in?"

I turned, facing a pretty woman in the resort uniform carrying a tray of drinks. To my relief, the contents weren't blood, but rather an array of pink and orange drinks. I thanked her, taking one before she went off to find others.

I brought the drink to my lips, savoring the slightly sour taste of the drink. From what I could tell, it was some type of juice or lemonade. Nonetheless, it was quite tasty.

There didn't seem to be any other visitors on the beach or in the large resort other than the employees, so my guess was that Jungwon had booked the entire resort to us for more privacy. Looking at the status of the hotel, it would've definitely been pricy.

A light touch on my arm nearly gave me a heart attack. I quickly turned to meet, to my surprise, Geonu.

"Geonu," I sighed out in relief. "You scared me."

He smiled softly, inclining his head down to me as a form of bowing. "My apologies, my lady."

I turned back to the beach, smiling fondly at it. I was already starting to love it. "Have you been to a beach before?"

He looked to where I was facing, taking in the beach himself. "Actually, yes. This beach is quite familiar to me since I spent a great deal of time training on it."

Ah, so that was why Jungwon had thought it would be a good idea to assign Geonu as the lead guard.

"Yumin," Jungwon called out to me. I turned back, facing him. "Let's go look at our room." He said with an excited smile. I didn't miss the hard glance he threw at Geonu, though.

I nodded, jogging up next to Jungwon. I linked my arm with the one he offered me before we took off behind the employee.

"Guys, wait up." Sunoo wailed, frantically trying to finish tying his sneaker before he could be left behind.

"Meanies." He huffed.

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