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"Hugo's been dispatched" Eric informed as he walked up to Godric and Morgan "I told him not to stop driving until he reaches the Mexican border. I've arranged for and AB-negative human for you. Extremely rare"

"Thank you" Godric replied, looking at his progeny "I'm not hungry"

". . . You have to feed eventually" Morgan spoke up, earning the attention of the older vampire "I doubt the Fellowship had anything to offer" shrugging her shoulders slightly

Godric couldn't help the small smile at her concern, knowing she had quickly grown to care for him, and not just because he was the only connection she had to her biological family.

"Why wouldn't you leave when I first came for you?" Eric asked

"They didn't treat me badly" he replied, looking back at him "you'd be shocked at how ordinary most of them are"

"They do nothing but fan the flames of hatred for us" he countered

"Let's be honest" he said, his voice calm "we are frightening. After thousands of years, we haven't evolved. We've only grown more brutal, more predatory. I don't see the danger in treating humans as equals. The Fellowship of the Sun arose because we never did so"

"Is that why you didn't fight when they took you?" Morgan asked

"I could have killed every last of them within minutes" honesty in his voice "and what would that have proven?"

"Go find someone else, you fucking bitch!" Sookie said, causing Morgan to look over toward her "you've lost this one!"

A vampire had extended her fangs, leaning in close and about to bite Sookie, but she stopped at her body involuntarily stiffened, as if a massive pressure surrounded her. Sookie got out of her hold, looking over to Morgan, seeing that she was looking directly at the vampire that nearly bit her, who's name was Lorena, and she happened to be Bill's Maker. Remembering what happened in the basement of the Fellowship, Sookie looked down at Morgan's free hand, seeing that her fingers were spread apart, slowly curling in to a fist. Lorena stiffly followed Sookie's gaze, landing on the woman who had white hair, a glare forming on her face as she sped toward her. But Morgan fingers jerked closer to her palm, causing Lorena to stop in her tracks as the pressure around her body sharply increased.

"Morgan" Sookie said, walking over to her "Morgan, stop. Tone it down"

She didn't listen, her fingers continuing to curl into her fists, watching as the vampire fell to her knees. A hand gently wrapped around her wrist, Morgan's breath hitching in her throat, her eyes snapping over to Godric,

"That's enough, child" he said softly

He released her wrist, the pressure around Lorena fading away, allowing her to stand up and rush over to Morgan. But she was stopped as a hand wrapped around her neck,

"Retract . . your . . fangs" Godric ordered "now" causing Lorena to do as ordered "I neither know nor care who you are. But in this area and certainly in this nest, I am the authority. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sheriff" she replied, a light tremor in her voice

"This human has proven herself to be a courageous and loyal friend to our kind" he continued "and yet you treat her like a child does a dragonfly, pulling off wings for sport. No wonder they hate us. When another stepped in to help, you threaten to attack"

"She provoked me" she said "that witch used her power on me!"

"And you provoked me" a hard look in his eyes "you disrupted the peace in my own home. You would have harmed the one I once looked after, had I not stepped in. A threat against her, is a threat against this nest. I could snap you like a twig. Yet I haven't. Now, why is that?"

"It's . . your choice" looking at him

"Indeed it is" nodding slightly "you're an old vampire. I can tell. You've had hundreds of years to better yourself, yet you haven't. you are still a savage, and I fear for all of us, humans and vampires, if this behavior persists" his gaze turning to Bill "you. You seem to know her"

"Yes, sheriff" Bill replied, giving him a small nod

"Escort her from the nest" he instructed, then looking at Lorena, "I wish you out of my area before dawn"

"You don't know of the danger you are in now" Godric said, looking at Morgan "exposing your power, whether it be in this nest or not. Word will spread quickly"

"I know" Morgan replied "but I grew up with her" jerking her head slightly to Sookie "even if I'm not legally her sister . . ."

"I understand" giving her a small nod "but now, your power must be awakened as soon as possible. You must practice with your power, learn it, master it"

Most people would think she was crazy, automatically believing Godric when he told her of what she was, but it all made sense to her. He had no reason to lie to her, not after twenty-one years of her not knowing who she was, why she had so many quirks, then finding out that the people she loved with all her life was based on a glamour. All to keep her safe from the ones who wanted her dead. Morgan had a target painted on her, and she didn't even know it until tonight. So, she listened to Godric like his word was gospel. It may have been a short time, but he was her caregiver when she was a baby, and as promised to her father, he kept her safe. Morgan's eyebrows furrowed slightly, suddenly feeling something off within the air, causing her to look around the room,

"Trouble" she muttered "trouble. Trouble. Trouble"

A man walked into the room, Morgan's eyes instantly landing on him,

"Protect them" she whispered, looking at Jason and Sookie "protect them" looking at Eric and Isabel, who were speaking

Hearing her voice, Eric looked at Morgan, who's breathing became slightly uneven,

"Luke?" Jason asked as he approached the man who entered "what the fuck, man?" walking toward him

"Stay away from me, Stackhouse" Luke ordered "got nothing to say to you"

"What the hell you doing?" He asked

"Excuse me, everyone!" looking at the other people who filled the room "if I could have your attention" causing everyone to look at him "my name is Luke McDonald. I'm a member of the Fellowship of the Sun. And I have a message for you all from Reverend Steve Newlin"

He opened his jacket, revealing a bomb with silver chains wrapped around him, a button in his hand

"Protect them" Morgan whispered

Luke pressed the button, an explosion filling the air.

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