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"Be prepared, Lex" Morgan said "I have a feeling someone is going to die tonight"

"Yes, ma'am" Lex replied, nodding his head slightly

"If it's Debbie, feel free" Alcide muttered

He meant that. Morgan could hear it in his voice, he stopped caring about Debbie the minute she broke his heart, and she moved out of his mind the minute he saw his mate standing on the porch of the house, looking at a note from a box of rare books. Morgan suddenly held out her arms, stopping in her tracks as her head tilted slightly, almost as if she were listening to something.

"What?" Alcide asked, looking at his mate

" . . Fear" she muttered "but it . . it's not mine" closing her eyes

She couldn't explain it, but it was like she could feel multiple people in her mind and heart. With her eyes still closed, her vision morphed into a plethora of colors, focusing into an image. Isabel looked into a mirror, applying red lipstick to her lips, wearing a dress that showed off her chest and some cleavage, a handprint on the center of her chest, the middle finger aligned with her sternum. Morgan's vision changed again, revealing Talbot sitting across from someone she could only assume was Eric, the two of them playing chess. Another image revealed herself, standing in the center of a sidewalk with her eyes closed and head slightly lowered. The last image showed a familiar room, the door being broken inward with a familiar redhead stepping over the shattered wood, the feeling of fear becoming stronger.

A gasp emitted from Morgan as her eyes opened, grasping the men on either side as a dizzy spell overcame her,

"Hey, easy now" Alcide said, catching her before she lost her palance

"Let's sit her down" Lex suggested

"No" Morgan said as the dizziness slowly faded "I found Debbie" looking at Alcide "I don't know how to explain it, but she's in Bon Temps. She's in Sookie's house, in her room . . Bub, we'll meet you there"

". . I'll keep her safe" the vampire assured

"Darlin, if you get hurt, I swear to God. ." Alcide warned

She looked at him for a moment, a smirk forming on her lips as she leaned in closer, whispering in his ear, causing a smirk to form on his lips as well. Alcide placed a deep kiss to her lips, before she and Lex sped off, the werewolf quickly making his way to the truck to head back to Bon Temps, thankful they weren't that far from the small town.

Morgan silently walked up the stairs, even in her heels as she approached Sookie's room, hiding her scent completely as she took a silent step forward, Debbie standing in front of her, Sookie holding on to a shotgun. In Louisiana, almost every adult owned some type of firearm. Their eyes connected, Morgan jerking her head slightly to the side, causing her to suddenly dive toward the bed, the witch using a wind strike on the werewolf, watching as she flew across the room and crashed into the wall. Debbie pushed herself up with a growl, glaring at Morgan as she charged toward the witch, only to stop in her tracks when an unknown force surrounded her. Morgan walked toward Debbie, Sookie noticing that her fingers were spread and slowly curling inward, remembering that time with Rene and when that man attacked her in The Fellowship of the Sun. She knew what was going to happen if she let Morgan continue, and for once, she didn't care.

"What do you see in Coot?" Morgan asked "how could you give up a man like Alcide?"

"Coot's more of a man that werewolf trash" Debbie said

"I'm glad you gave him up" a smirk forming on her lips "you'll die knowing Alcide belongs to me now"

Her fingers continued to curl in, screams emitting from Debbie as her bones broke, one by one while her organs turned to liquid, blood beginning to drip out from her mouth, nose, eyes and ears. Deciding to show a little mercy, her fingers snapped to her palm, her wrist rotating to where her hand faced her thigh, the screams stopping as Debbie fell forward, almost as if she were a balloon filled with liquid,

"Don't worry about the bodies" Morgan informed, walking out of the room

Quickly walking downstairs, she noted that there were two more bodies before stepping out for the porch, watching as Russell held on to Jessica,

"Your Grace" he greeted with a smile, his fangs extended "how lovely it is to see you this evening"

"Do you see this mark?" She asked, gesturing to the doorframe

"Of course" nodding his head

"I placed it there" noting one other werewolf "it means this house in under my protection, along with the people inside. Refusing to abide by my mark, results in death"

"Oh, you wouldn't kill me" teasing her with a smirk "what would your father think?"

"I think she has every right" Louis answered as he walked up behind Russell

"How about you and I settle this among men?" Bill asked, glaring at the King of Mississippi

"That won't be necessary, Bill" Morgan replied as a yelp from the werewolf filled the air "he will release her"

"What makes you think so?" Russell asked

". . Zeus" clasping her hands in front of her

Louis had informed Morgan that Zeus was a special kind of protector. The more he ate, the bigger he would get until he reached his full size, which Morgan didn't know when that would happen. But with the more supernatural creatures Zeus consumed, the faster he would grow, his strength matching his weight. She turned her gaze toward the prowling wolf, snarls emitting from him as he bared his teeth toward Russell, who glared at the animal in return, but the smell of fear came off of him like waves.

"I recommend releasing my daughter's friend" Louis suggested

A gasp suddenly emitted from Russell, looking toward the sky,

"Talbot" he said ". . No!"

Russell flew off seconds after, releasing Jessica in the process, Morgan looking at where he once stood, a small hum emitting from her.

". . As I told Sookie, don't worry about cleaning up the bodies" she said, looking at Bill "Zeus will take care of that. Mark my words Bill, hurt her again and I'll kill you myself" looking at her father "I believe we need to pay a visit to Fangtasia. Care to join me?"

"I believe I need to have a chat with Miss Nan Flanagan" Louis replied, holding out his arm

A smile formed on her lips, walking down the porch steps, raising her arm and linking it with her father's, the two of them walking down the path with her father's guard and Lex following.

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