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"This is very good" Jackson complimented, sitting down in his chair

"I guess" Morgan chuckled, amused since he just poured himself a third bowl

Alcide was happy that his father accepted Morgan into the family, treating her as another daughter, and not caring that she was a half-breed. He could smell the vampire on her from a mile away, but she didn't try to hide her scent. If she was going to meet his father, then she shouldn't have to hide anything. While she was making dinner, the two men finished setting up the fence, the three of them were now sitting at the small table outside. Morgan honestly thought it felt like a camping trip, even though she had never really been on one before, it felt nice to get away from everything. However, Morgan's smile suddenly fell from her lips, turning her head slightly when she heard a new sound. The three of them stood when three baby vampires approached the fence, laughing as if they had just come from a bar.

The female touched the silver fence, only to snap her hand away with a pained scream, blood on all of their faces. Once they realized they couldn't get in, they sped away,

"They're heading over to the Reeves place" Alcide muttered, running inside the trailer, coming out with a loaded shotgun

"You always gotta be the fucking hero" Jackson muttered

"You raised me to be a man and a wolf" looking at him "not a thief and a coward. C'mon, darlin"

"Come, Zeus" Morgan added

The large wolf followed the two of them as they ran outside the gate, making their way to another trailer, where the three baby vampires were tormenting another couple who lived there.

"Come on out!" One laughed "we're not gonna hurt ya!"

"Lets flip this fucker!" Another male said

"Leave her be!" Alcide ordered, aiming the shotgun toward the vampire on the roof

He growled at the two of them, Morgan speeding out of the way as he sped toward Alcide, only to be shot in the chest, causing his body to explode into goo.

"When we die, we're goo?!" The other male asked

"You're already dead" Morgan said

She came up behind him, wrapping her hand around his neck and throwing him toward Zeus, the baby vampires screaming as large jaws clamped around his neck. His head was torn from his body, causing the vampire to turn to goo as well,

"Powers of the Divine" her hands circling around the sunstone around her neck "Sister Sun, I call to thee" turning around and facing the female vampire, who stopped in her tracks at an unknown force "reveal to us your burning light"

The stone did as commanded, Morgan closing her eyes as a bright and burning light emitted from it. The new vampire screamed in agony, her skin burning at the power of the sun, and Alcide now realized why she stood under the rays in the morning, and under the moon at night. She didn't have much of a choice if she wanted the stones to work. An arrow whizzed by Morgan's head, causing her to open her eyes, watching as it landed in the chest of the vampire, finishing her off and putting her out of her misery. The light from the sunstone eased down, fading back into the surface, allowing the witch to drop her hands, turning to look toward Jackson, who stood on top of his trailer, lowering his arm, a compound bow in his hand. He gave the two of them a small nod,

". . Something's wrong" Morgan said, then looking back at Alcide "I gotta get back to Bon Temps, I'll see you soon, bubs. I love you"

Without giving him a chance to respond, Morgan placed a kiss to his lips before speeding away from the trailers, Zeus and her guard following after her.

"I love you, too, darlin" he said

She thought it would be best to hide her scent, and she was right, watching as Jason and Russell Edgington exited a cruiser in a field. But the energy was very different, and Morgan couldn't put her finger on it. He opened the back door of the cruiser, which allowed Steve Newlin to exit, the two of them smelling the air around them with smiles on their faces.

"What is that smell?" Newlin asked, amazed at the scent

"Faerie" Russell answered, looking at Jason "where are they?"

"Right there" he informed, pointing to the center of the field

"Where?" looking around, walking away from the cruiser "where are they?"

"I can feel them" Newlin smiled "they're all around me"

"What fucking faerie magic is this?" growing irritated

The two of them sped around the field, Morgan stepping out from behind a tree but still hidden from their sight.

"Where are you, faerie?!" Russell demanded, his arm wrapping around Jason's neck "Sookie Stackhouse, I will tear your brother limb from limb! And I'll go after your precious sister unless you show yourself!"

Morgan walked out of the shadows as a woman walked out of a different plane, her skin was dark, hair in a mountain of curls and wearing a blue dress. Newlin couldn't control himself, growling and speeding toward her, which caused the woman to hold up a hand, a bright light emitting from it, which caused him to be thrown back toward the cruiser, landing with a hard thud.

"Impressive" Russell said "you are turbocharged"

"Vampire" she began as he pushed Jason away "I herby banish you to the realms and beyond. Be gone!"

A light was cast toward Russell, who pulled Jason in front of him at the last second, which caused him to take the hit. He was thrown back, landing against the branch of a tree and falling toward the floor, Morgan using her speed, catching him before he hurt himself further.

"I said begone!" The woman said, casting the light again

But Russell was much faster, using his speed and appearing behind her, sinking his fangs into her neck. A scream emitted from her as he groaned at the taste of her blood, Morgan letting out a low growl as she looked toward him, laying Jason in the grass and standing straight. She never took her eyes off of Russell, even as the fingers of her right hand spread apart and stretched out as far as they could go, but she couldn't save the woman, who fell to the floor and turned to ash and dust.

"Oh, sweet merciful fuck!" He exclaimed "that was delicious! Heaven, thy name is faerie!"

A portal was revealed, Russell turning around at the new scents,

"Oh, God" a woman said "he can see us"

"Why, thank you so much" he laughed "I'd love to come to dinner"

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