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Waking up between two bodies was definitely different for Morgan, one giving off heat, the other being cold, but a smile formed on her lips anyway, looking at Eric as he slept, then turning her gaze to the left to look at Alcide. The Alaska king bed was big enough for the three of them, plenty of room for them to move as they pleased, Morgan feeling deliciously sore from the prior nights activities, a small hum emitting from her, closing her eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Alcide asked softly

". . Complete" Morgan replied, loving his morning voice

It was the truth, once thinking that Eric made her happy, but now that she had Alcide, she felt like she could do anything she wanted, like she could fight God or become him, if she believed in that sort of thing.

"Am I still invited to your house?" a teasing smile on her lips, opening her eyes, looking at him

"Of course you are, dove" he smiled

Her smile grew slightly, placing her head on his chest and closing her eyes, finding herself relaxing against his embrace. He held her for a little longer, but he needed to get to work so he could get the paperwork out of the way,

"I'm gonna shower" Morgan said, raising her head to look at him "care to join me?"

Walking up to the front door, Morgan adjusted her backpack on her shoulder, her knuckles tapping on the wood. The door opened a moment later, Alcide standing on the other side, a smile forming on his lips as he stepped to the side, allowing his beautiful mate to walk inside.

"Nice place" she complimented with a smile

"Please" he teased, closing the door

"I'm being honest" looking at him

He walked over to her, taking the backpack from her shoulder and setting it on the floor, leaning down and claiming her lips with his, causing her arms to wrap around his neck in return. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to his body, deepening the kiss, a content sigh emitting from Morgan's nose, pulling back slightly,

"Hello to you too" a smile never leaving her lips

Alcide let out a light chuckle, pecking her lips once more, unwrapping his arms from around her waist and grasping her hand, leading her toward the kitchen,

"I haven't had a chance to use the pool since I bought this place" he confessed "been too busy with work, then wanting to spend as much time as I could with you . . "

"We can figure out the relationship between the three of us" looking at him "it might not be the easiest thing, but . ." shrugging slightly "we'll get through it"

"Never been in a polyamorous relationship, I assume" releasing her hand and walking to his refrigerator

"I've only been with one guy before you and Eric" folding her arms over her stomach

"And how was he like?" opening the refrigerator door, grabbing a beer for himself and a Cola for her

"Are we really having the awkward exes conversation right now?" amusement in her voice, the door closing as he held out the bottle to her, causing her to grasp it in her hand 

"Only if you're okay with the conversation" easily opening his beer

". . There's not really much to say about him" opening her glass bottle of Cola "we dated for a year, starting when I was fifteen, had sex when I was sixteen and he dumped me the next day" taking a drink of the Cola "he spread a rumor that I was as good as any whore on the corner. For three years, a lot of guys wanted to have sex with me and even offered money"

"And the rumor?" curiosity in his voice

"It stopped when I was nineteen" her nails lightly tapping on the glass "at Merlotte's, some guy was very persistent, offered me fifty bucks for a five minute blow in the bathroom. Sam and Lafayette tried to get him away from me, tried to throw him out, but it didn't work. I snapped, and . . I'm not one to snap" taking another drink "before I knew it, I had him pinned against the bar, his arm behind his back, his nose bleeding and kind of broken"

She remembered that night clearly, hearing the screams emitting from the man, smelling the disgusting scent of his blood as she looked at the other customers in the building. Sookie tried to get Morgan off of him, but her words meant nothing as she pinned him down, Sam tried to calm her down, so did Lafayette. The only person that was able to her her off of him was Raven, who simply put an arm across the top of her chest, and lightly pulled her back. He tried to press charges against Morgan, but failed when Dearborne found meth in the man's trailer. Since then, everyone let go of that rumor, focusing more on calling her a freak, even if she didn't show what she was able to do. But none of that mattered now, she was with Eric and now Alcide, they were her mates.

"Let's go swimming" Morgan said, looking at Alcide with a small smile

When Alcide saw her in her chosen swimsuit, he wanted to skip the pool and take her right then and there, and he almost did if she didn't jump in the cool water. He had seen how relaxed she became when swimming in his pool, Morgan wore one of her favorite swimsuits, black, high waisted and very form fitting according to Raven.

Morgan and Alcide swam in the pool, racing one another with and without their supernatural abilities – the woman winning both because of her size – wrestling and having fun for the first time in a long time

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Morgan and Alcide swam in the pool, racing one another with and without their supernatural abilities – the woman winning both because of her size – wrestling and having fun for the first time in a long time. The werewolf loved seeing the smile on her lips throughout the day, glad to call her his mate, even if he had to share with a vampire. It didn't matter as long as Morgan was happy. The only thing he was concerned about was the living situations, he didn't want to leave her at all, loving the feeling of waking up next to his mate, but he also remembered that she just moved into her new home with Eric, so he may be spending a lot of time at the Du Locke home. But again, it doesn't matter. As long as Morgan was happy.

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