" Well, a promise is a promise so I'm here to keep it. "
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GETTING OFF, the group was led towards the main area in the airport that was already filled with fans.
But there were reporters and many were recording. Bora was once again holding onto Yoongi's sleeve as they headed towards the exit.
Ignoring the reporters' questions and whatever the fans were screaming, the group safely made their way out and got in their respective cars.
Bora settled with Namjoon and Hoseok, Jin and Jungkook took the second car followed by Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin in the third.
As the cars pulled away, Bora sighed and stared out of the window in awe. She loved travelling it was no doubt, so she adored everything new.
" The hotel is an hour away from here. " Hoseok mumbled, looking through his phone. Bora hummed, resting her head back, " Ah! This is so tiring and exciting at the same time. "
Namjoon chuckled, but also agreed.
After exactly an hour, the three cars simultaneously parked in front of the supposed hotel they were staying at.
Since the whole floor was booked for BTS, Bora took the room between Yoongi and Jungkook.
Sighing, she fell on the bed after a shower and snuggled into her soft hoodie and sheets, passing out almost instantly because she had early practice on the stage tomorrow.
While on the other hand, the boys had gathered in Taehyung's room to have dinner they ordered. Hoseok looked around, " Where is Borabora? "
The others shared a look too, " I thought Kookie went to call her. "
" I forgot... " He mumbled sheepishly and Jin chuckled, " I'll go get her. "
The others mumbled a yes and Jin exited the room, walking down the hallway to reach Bora's room. He knocked, but didn't get any answer.
" Bora? "
After hearing no response again, he twisted the door knob and entered, slowly closing the door behind himself.
Not being able to help himself, he chuckled at her sleeping figure and walked closer, sitting by the edge of her bed.
" Bora? Wake up... " He shoon her gently, only to hear a groan and her sinking lower in her sheets.
" Come on, you need to eat. We have early practice tomorrow. "
Bora blinked her eyes open, peeking by the sheets to see Jin smiling down at her. " I'm not hungry. "
" You need to eat. It's not a question. "
Broa groaned, " But I want to sleep. My head hurts. "