𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 57

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The Funeral and The Encounter

" I am her family. "


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THE FUNERAL was arranged in a small amount

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THE FUNERAL was arranged in a small amount. Not many relatives were present nor anyone knew.

Unfortunately for Bora, she couldn't stop them from coming. She was currently sitting with Jin in the living room while others boys were busy preparing.

They just sat in silence, she simply stared at her palms while her mind lost in its own train of thoughts while Jin stared at her.

Hoseok had explained him what the girl was doing. Living with her for years, he knew how she dealt with problems. Bora ignored them as long as she could.

She did the same with fights. Whenever she fought, she'd just stop speaking to anyone and be alone most of the times, locking herself away and ignoring any alive person on the surface.

" Bora, it's time. " He whispered, grabbing her hand. Bora blinked, looking at the hand, then him.

" Yeah. "

She mumbled quitely, standing up. Jin only held her hand tighter as tried to brush it away and led her towards the temple.

Bora knew that was thoughtful of Jin to arrange her grandparents' graves in the graveyard of the temple. He remembered when Bora had told him how much her grandmother loved to spend time at that temple.

She gulped down the bile in her throat and looked around at the very few people. There were Yo Sung's parents, Yo Sung, the boys, her grandparents's close pair of friends and them.

She pretended she didn't see them and also didn't spare a glance. Most of the process passed quickly in a blur to Bora as she stood between Jungkook and Jin at the back.

She didn't say anything even though she had a lot to, so close to tears, she also didn't want to cry in front of anyone or shed tears against her grandparents' will.

As the casket was lowered, she looked away. She still couldn't believe it was happening.

Her grandfather always told her there would be a time she'd be watching this scene.

𝐦𝐢 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐚² || 𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤𝐣𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now