Say hello to the Devil for me

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Aidan's Pov

'We have to keep him at bay, maybe shut him up for good' Mitch said.
'Are you suggesting I kill my own son?' I deadpanned.
'I don't see a reason why not' He shrugged.

'Killing him won't stop what's about to come from happening you arse hole!...' I yelled at him 'Your true colors are finally coming to light. I see, you've been harboring murderous intents towards him lately. And why should I trust you with my life when you're trying to kill my son?'

'He's a weakness and you don't need one!'
'Now he tells me what to do' I laughed at the dimwitted fool standing in front of me 'You've got guts huh?'
I blast him off his feet, his back colliding with the wall with a loud CRACK.
'Now who's BOSS?' I said satisfied I had broken his spine 'You are my puppet and you'll die as one'

'Please don't...' He wheezed out, blood drooling from his mouth.
'What did you say?' I came closer to him 'Didn't quite hear you.... You ain't loud anymore'
'P... Please don't kill me?' He stuttered.

'Hahaha.....' I laughed 'Now he's begging for his life. Hahaha....Man you are so funny' I wiped off a tear that'd escaped from my eyes 'So, where were we?.... Oh yeah, you were about to die. Let's make this quick, shall we? You are of no use to me anymore. Say hello to the Devil for me'

'Do....' I didn't give him a chance to finish, before snapping his neck.

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