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Aidan races for the orb, but Adam tossed it over to Hope. Aidan blast Hope off her feet and she fell as the orb rolled towards Jacob.

He grabbed the orb and made a run for it, but Cella chased after him.
She finally caught up with him,  making him trip over her leg.

They began to drag the orb together. The time orb slipped of off their hands rolling towards Aidan and Adam who'd been engaged in a fierce battle of power.

They both reached out for the orb until everything went dark.


Adam's Pov

I slowly flipped my eyes open and discovered I was surrounded by darkness. Not a single light could be seen.

'Jacob!......' I called out 'Hope!....' But there was no answer.

The last thing I remembered was reaching out for the orb as everything suddenly went black—Then I ended up here.
I couldn't find the orb either.

It was hollow and dark here, nothing could be seen on sight.
'What is this place?' I thought out loud.
'Hello!....Anyone!.....' My voice echoed through out the darkness.

There was a sudden flash of light. I walked towards the direction I'd seen the light. It was getting brighter as I walked closer. It was the time orb.

'I guess you found it too'
I looked up to see Aidan standing across from me, the orb in between us.
'We're the only ones here now, why don't we finish what we've started?' White smoky flames surrounded him.

'If that's the case. I don't see why not' I took a fighting stance 'Sometimes I wonder what my mother saw in you that made her fall for a man like you'

'I was undeniably attractive.She was damn stupid. She got in my way, so I had to get rid of her. And now, maybe you could join her too'

'You are an evil BASTARD!'
'I'm far worse than that. I'm the devil himself' He shoots energy blasts at me but I dodged it and shot back at him sending him a few meters away from me.

I picked up the time orb, before moving towards the direction he'd fallen. But he wasn't there.
I heard a swoosh behind my back, I turned and he unexpectedly knocked me off my feet.

I fell as the orb slips away from me rolling towards him.
He picks it up and looks at me with pity 'Tsk.....tsk.....tsk.... Now I'd have to finish you off'

I slowly lifted myself off the ground 'You don't deserve to live. Not after taking countless of innocent souls. I'd redeem them by killing you first'

'Let's see you try' He smirked.
He shot another energy blast at me, but some sort of shield blocked it away from touching me.

'What's happening?' He asked surprised.
I didn't have so much power before and I didn't know how I got them. I found it quite strange,  because the only power I had was to PROGNOSTICATE but now I felt more stronger, like something had awoken in me. Something POWERFUL.

'It's time to pay for your sins' Streaks of white light began to emit from my body, causing a strong voltage that blew him off.

The time orb floated towards me and I grabbed it walking over to Aidan who laid helpless on the floor.
'You can't always win Aidan' He tried to get back up, but his efforts failed. I laughed at his pathetic state 'This for my mother' I said before blasting his head off.

And then, everything went black again.


Author's Note

The mother fucker is finally dead. It was really a cruel way to die.
Well he deserved it.
I know this fight scene wasn't really good but I promise I'd make the next chapter better.
Thanks🙏🙇 for all the support see you in the next chapter.

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