We finally met

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Author's Pov

Jacob time looped them into the  blue hole. And the cave was illuminated by a single Menorah.
'This way' Jacob took the Menorah, leading them deep into the cave.

After a few minutes, they discovered they'd been going around in circle.
'Ugh!....this is so frustrating!' Hope exclaimed angrily 'Can't you get us out of here?' She turns to face Jacob.

Jacob sighed 'I can't use my powers in here. It's pointless'
'Why?' Adam asked.
'This is an ancient time cave. My powers won't work because this cave is encrypted with time codex. There are certain restrictions here'

'Great! Just great! We're never gonna leave this cave' Hope squatted down on her haunches 'I thought you've been here before. Why can't you find your way around?'
'I don't know. Something feels a bit off' He walked closer to the wall 'A lot changed lately' He felt the hard rock wall against his hand and a few words appeared 'It's a riddle' He said as they came closer to him.

'A riddle?!' They both exclaimed.
They took a closer look at the words on the wall.
'It's encryptedd too' Jacob said.
'What does it say?' Adam asked him.

'It says; I turn once, what is out will not get in. I turn again and what is in Will not get out' Jacob read the words carefully.
'Easy-peasy. It's a key' Hope said plainly.

'How do you know?....' Jacobs words trailed off as the cave made a DUM! sound.
'I'm just good with riddles' She said proudly.

The cave was moving upwards like an elevator. The walls falling apart.

It soon stopped. The cave was surrounded with a crystal water that flowed backwards towards the direction where the time orb sat.

'Finally!' Hope heaved a sigh of relief.
'I'll get it' Adam made an attempt to move closer to the orb, but Jacob stopped him pulling him back by the arm.
'Wait!' He picked up a pebble and threw over the ground where the  orb sat as arrows shot out from the cave walls.

'Well, I didn't expect that' Adam said 'Thanks bro'
'No problemo' Jacob replied.
'So....What are we gonna do now?' Hope asked.

'We get the orb of course. My way' Jacob winked at her.
'Well, you idea always ends us in trouble. It's a NO' She shook her head.
'You ain't stopping me' He said when he was already few steps away from her. Walking as if arrows wouldn't shoot out from the walls anytime soon.
'You are an arse hole!' She yelled.
'And YOU are very observant' Jacob said and Adam who'd been listening to them the whole time chuckled.
'You two, seriously need a break'
Hope just rolled her eyes at his response.

Jacob finally made it to the orb and he turned to look over his shoulder at her 'see, I made it'
'I can see that captain obvious'
Jacob only laughed and turned his attention back to the orb.

He took a breathe in and exhaled 'Ok, here we go'
He carefully lifts the orb off the stone it sat, but arrows flew towards him.
'Jacob!...' Adam shouts 'Watch out!'
The arrows stops before it pierces through him.

'What the hell!' Adam yelled 'You should've been more careful'
'I'm fine' He said dryly 'It's not like I'm hurt or anything. But who stopped the arrows?....' His eyes widens in shock 'Dad'

Aidan appears before them 'Hello son' He looks Adam dead in the eyes and smiled 'We finally met'


Author's Note

Adam has finally met his Dad.
What will happen now?......It's about to get messy.

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