Chapter 36. August 1, 2014 New York

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New York City, New York

August 1, 2014

(Taylor's perspective)

"Do you want to go to Central Park?" I asked.

"Yes! It's a nice day out today." Elizabeth said.

"Okay go put on your shoes and we'll go walk over." I said.

"Alright." Elizabeth said and ran off to her room.

When we arrive at the park dozens of people are walking around, sitting on picnic blankets or riding their bicycles.

"Oh look ice cream! Can I have some?" Elizabeth asks excitedly.

"Sure. But only get a small cup so we don't spoil dinner." I said.

Elizabeth rolls her eyes, "Okay fine."

Once we get our ice cream's I sit on the bench listening to Panic At The Disco while I eat and people watch.

I look over at Elizabeth and she's reading one of her books and people watching as well.

Some are sitting on blankets on the grass with family or friends, walking with their dogs, some are throwing frisbees.

When we finish our treat we throw the trash away and walk back to our apartment. While we walk back some fans notice us and ask for pictures.

We quickly take some photos and went back home.


Author's Note

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