📝 Chapter 50. October 22, 2014 The Ellen Show

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October 22, 2014

Burbank, California

The Ellen Show

(Taylor's perspective)

I am sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal watching law in order in the living room while Elizabith is still sleeping upstairs.

Meredith and Olivia meow wanting breakfast, "Okay I will feed you now." I said and getting up walking into the kitchen.

My phone rings on the counter, I grab and answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey Taylor it's Tree." Tree said.

"Hey Tree what's up?" I ask.

"We are going threw all of Elizabith's paper work for her record deal and it's okay to tell the public about her going to work here now." Tree said.

"Really? Okay." I said.

"Oh and we saw that on Jimmy Fallon's YouTube channel that her singing Ed's song has over 2 million views!" Tree said.

"What?!? Really?!" I yell into the phone.

"Yeah and we just uploaded Elizabith audio version of her singing Demi's Warrior cover on YouTube and that has 1million views already." Tree said.

"Wow. That's amazing!" I said.

"Can you guys both come into the studio tomorrow to record some more?" Tree asks. "

"Yeah I think we can squeeze some time in before we go to David Letterman." I said.

"I have to go talk to you later." Tree said. "Bye." I said and hung up.

"Rawr" Meredith meowed I looked down at my feet. Meredith and Olivia are looking at me waiting to be feed, I get there cat food and pour some in there bowls.

My phone dings as one of my reminders was set off, I look at my phone and read that we have to leave at 2:00 to go see Ellen again.

I almost forgot got, "Elizabith I almost forgot that we have to go to a quick interview again today." I said.

Elizabith walks into the room, "Where are we going?" she asks getting apple juice out of the fridge.

"We are going to see Ellen." I said.

"Yes! I love Ellen!" Elizabith cheered pouring her juice into a cup and drank some of it.

"We are leaving around two or so." I said looking at a clock in the kitchen.

It's 1:57 and we are waiting for Dave to arrive. Dave pulls up out front of the house, "Dave is here." I said.

"Okay." Elizabith said.

We walked out front and into the car. As we where driving to the Ellen show I just so happened to look behind out the window and see a car following us. As we drive for a few more blocks it was following us.

"Hey Dave can we go a different way? There is paparazzi following us." I said.

"Sure thing." Dave said and we turned to go a different way.

I looked back and I saw the car turn the same way we did, "It's still on our tail." I said.

We drove around is cereals for a while trying to lose them, the car was still following us.

"I know a secret way of getting to Ellen." Dave said.

"Okay do that." I said and we speed up a little bit trying to get away from the car.

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