✅ Chapter 45. September 14, 2014 NYC

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September 14, 2014

New York City, New York


(Taylor's perspective)

*on set of photoshoot/film commercial*

"I'm going out to film a commercial for target for the album. What to come along?" I asked.

"Yes. That sounds fun." Elizabeth said.

"Okay let's get ready." I said.

We left the house and into the car on the way to the set. Once we arrived parts of the New York street is blocked off to the public so we can film safely.

"Hello Taylor. I'm Robert the photographer and director of both of your project today." A man said

"Hello Robert! Thank you so much for working with me!" I said.

"Ready to start?" He asks

"Yes!" I said.

I went into wardrobe and put on a dark yellow crop top with a matching skirt, hot pink high heals, a black purse with red sunglasses on.

"I'm all dressed. What will the commercial be like?" I asked.

"Since your new album will be based in New York I thought the setting of this commercial will be like you living in New York walking through the streets like a true New Yorker." Robert  said.

"I love that!" I said exactly.

"Oh and I almost forgot. Sarah?! Can you please get the balloons?" Robert shouts to an assistant.

"Sure thing Rob!" Someone shouts.

"Balloons??" I asked surprised

"Since this commercial is for Target for your special edition I thought I needed to add a splash of red somewhere in the film as well so we came up with red balloons." Rob said.

The assistant Sarah comes walking up with dozens of bright red balloons.

"Here you go Taylor." Sarah said handing me them.

"Wow." I said ask I held onto them, "I haven't held onto this many balloons since I was a child." I said and laughed.

"Don't fly away mom." Elizabeth said laughing behind the cameras.

"Haha very funny." I said.

"Let's start filming now." Rob said.

We quickly filmed all of the parts for the commercial and did the photoshoot afterwards.

"That's a wrap! Thank you everybody!" Rob shouts and everyone cheers.

"Thank you so much." Rob said to me.

"Thank you for everything." I said and Elizabeth and I drove back home.

In the car Elizabeth is on her phone and gasps, "What? What happened?" I asked worried.

"Shake It Off is number one on iTunes!!" Elizabeth shouts excitedly.

"Are you serious?!" I asked.

Tree who is sitting in the back of the car, "Well Elizabeth beat me to it for telling you." she said laughing.

I quickly went on Twitter to thank the fans for making Shake It Off number one and I get thousands of likes and comments congratulating me.

We got home and I looking around the house for the cats,

"Meredith. Olivia. I'm home!" I shout.

I find Olivia sitting on the couch, "There you are." I said.


Author's Note

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