chapter one

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Angela's POV

Flashbacks to 3 months ago

"Hey you know what? Should we play a game together?" asked Darius shyly.

My heart instantly stopped beating. The guy who I've always been mentioning to Cynthia asked me out! Should I be happy? Or should I be shocked?

It's not that Darius is handsome. But something in him, charms me for some reason. He is funny, kind of cute with his small almond shaped eyes and messy black hair, and sporty, as he mingled well with kids who played sports at high school back then. We are really good friends initially.

But something changed. Magically.

Back then, we were all sitting side by side, casually laughing and talking to each other up till the deepest hours of the night. And due to insomnia, I decided to get out from the tent to get some fresh air, hoping it would calm me down for a bit. Magically, Darius appeared at the same time, and confessed his love for me. It was honestly pure bliss that somebody you liked returned your feelings. It felt like a dream. 

Darius and I were in a relationship for around a month, where everything was beautiful. We went on dates, studied together and lots more. Until something changed again.

One day when I was just randomly passing by the drinking fountain to refill some water for myself, I saw Darius hugging Melani tightly, while stroking her cheek affectionately as if she's his girlfriend. And since they're chatting, I decided to hide behind the walls and eavesdrop on what they are talking about. 

"I love you so much, Melani." said Darius. 

"Awww, I love you too Dari!" gushed Melani flakily, which makes me want to punch her 'beautiful' little face. "Oh no! But what if Angela finds out about us? I wonder how will she react?" 

"Uh, fuck that piece of shit." said Darius. "She's not as pretty as you anyway. I don't even know why I loved her at the first place." 

"Yeah, what a slut she is." said Melani. "Poor girl thirsty for attention from boys."

My heart shattered into thousands of pieces, realising that the relationship we had for the past month was in vain and meaningless to him, despite I'm the one who paid a lot of effort towards it. I couldn't believe my boyfriend could ever backstab me this way. 

"Excuse me? No? Who is your girlfriend right now?" I asked, while slapping Darius on his face. 

"Angela, wait, I can explain-" 

I gave him another slap as I cried. "Who would ever call their own girlfriend a slut? What kind of boyfriend are you to backstab your own girlfriend?"

"No, Angela it isn't what it looks like!"

"I'm sorry, but as much as I would like to believe you, I couldn't trust you with this anymore. We're done." I snapped as I left the hallway, heartbroken and angry. 

Flashback end 

"Hey Ange, what are you looking at?" asked Cynthia. She has been my best friend since we are toddlers, and we had undergone a lot of ups and downs together. I'm really blessed to still have her as my best friend and as someone to lean on. But then she glanced at me, staring at Darius, who is currently acting flirtatiously with Melani and her squad members. 

"Are you still thinking about him?" asked Cynthia, watching me space out.

"...Huh?" I answered as I snapped back to reality. "Don't know what you're talking about."

"Angela, we've been friends for over 10 years, so I know what you are thinking about sometimes. You're probably still dwelling on the memory where you caught Darius cheating on you, right?" asked Cynthia. 

"You really do know me." 

"It's okay to dwell on memories at times." said Cynthia empathetically. "And it's totally fine about it. You don't have to feel guilty. But then, I really hope to tell you that you deserve someone a lot better. You don't deserve Darius and vice versa. Because you know..."

"... he has an IQ equivalent to that of a macaroni!" we said at the same time and laughed. "That's why you're my best friend. You know exactly when to make me laugh and never fails to put a smile on my face." 

"No problem for my bestie! But I mean, why would he even stoop that low to play with girl's hearts countless times?" asked Cynthia. "I would probably choke myself if I betrayed Eddy."

At the same time, Eddy came forward and waved to us. 

"So, how are you guys doing?" he asked while proceeding to give Cynthia a hug. 

Eddy is also someone I've known since toddlers, and he is also my best friend. But then for some reason, Eddy had developed romantic feelings towards Cynthia and I kind of set them up on a date, which explains their current relationship. They honestly look really cute as a couple. Both have so much chemistry together. I used to be really jealous about it, but thinking back, it's not that of a big deal at all. As long as they are happy together.

"Not very well, because Ange's been thinking about that scumbag again." said Cynthia. 

"Oh come on, Angie! You shouldn't have!" wailed Eddy. "Cheating on my wife's bestfriend? Nawww, he must be someone who plays the viola." 

Both Cynthia and I laughed at his joke and his roast on Darius. Good thing, Darius needed some roast, for frequently toying with the hearts of girls!

"But Angie, like seriously though. He's not worth your time." said Eddy. "But its alright to undergo these kind of feelings as well. I mean, I would also feel the same if I were you. But I promise, you would be so much better off him."

"Yeah, and we're rooting for you in this!" said Cynthia, as she gave me a hug. "You're never alone."

I can't help but to smile. They are indeed the best friends ever! I won't even know what to do without them.

"Thanks guys. I love you all!" 

"No problem!" 

"Oh by the way, my best friend Brett will be transferring here tomorrow, and I would like you girls to meet him after school as he said he wants to meet you guys. Are you girls fine with that?" asked Eddy. 

"Yes I'm fine with it! But that means extra time for practice." she pouted.

"He must have heard a lot about us! Yeah I can, but I need to rush because I have math tuition afterwards." I said. 

"Great! So I'll see you guys later at the school gate." said Eddy, giving us a wink. Only then I knew Eddy's wink is evident towards me.


"You know, you gotta seize the opportunity," said Eddy. "Maybe Brett is your chance!" 

I swear my face is already flushing red because of that remark, so I decided to switch topics, just to avoid bringing it up. "Oh speaking of which, we should go to our first lesson, shouldn't we?" I asked. 

"Yeah true, it's three minutes to biology." said Cynthia, glancing at the watch which wrote 'practice' on it, which is obviously from Eddy.

"Sure, let's go then!" I said, as the couple trailed behind me. 

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