chapter four

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Angela's POV

Music. The subject which the four of us love a lot. I'm looking forward to it most, because we could play with our violins, which is also something the four of us like and kind of connected together because of it.

I'm looking forward to the lesson, but the thought of seeing Darius later is making me shake internally and makes me space out for this lesson. I'm glad that Eddy didn't notice, because he would normally shoot killer glances, asking us to pay attention when we are talking. But today, he was the usual concentrate self, sitting next to Brett and making notes.

I'm afraid of falling back in love with him again, and I'm afraid that it's another kind of his nasty tricks. Anything bad could possibly happen if you're with him!

"Angie are you sure you are doing this?" asked Cynthia.

"I know, but I at least have to end it properly." I answered.

"But it's not your fault! You looked as if you're trying to send yourself to death." said Cynthia. "You did nothing wrong. It's all his fault. Why are you acting like a victim?"

"Because I'm nervous that anything could happen! You know he's-" I whisper shouted.

"Angela Liu and Cynthia Wang please stop talking. I've caught you the second time." snapped the music teacher. "If I caught you two chatting one more time, I would ask each of you to do a solo performance after class."

"Sorry Mr. Jeffrey!" I said and whispered back. "I will meet him later. I know what to do."


"Good luck Angie, text us when you need." said Cynthia.

"Okay," I said, and I immediately went to the balcony to wait for Darius. Not because I care about him, but because I really wanted everything to end quickly. I don't really want to meet him but I really wanted to clean things up quickly so I was there on time.

In a blink of an eye, Darius was there too.

"Hey Angie, it's good to see you again." said Darius.

"Hey," I said uncomfortably. "Yeah, but please don't call me that. I don't like it. Now don't beat around the bushes. What do you want?"

"Angela, please forgive me for what I've done. I totally didn't mean to cheat on you. Yes, I was with Melani, but then after dating together for some time, I found out I still have my heart on you. I still love you more than I did to Melani. I'm very sorry that I've hurt you in this way. Please, don't let this be our end, and please give me one more chance." said Darius.

I was tearing up because of this. My brain is telling me to believe him. I want to trust him, I want to believe him. I want to get back with him. But my instincts are telling me otherwise and not to believe this guy.

"Darius, but we know that we're over right? I've made it clear on that day. I know Melani loves you a lot, so please do cherish her and don't break her heart like how you broke mine. Thank you for being a part of my life, but I'm sorry to tell you that we can't go back to the past. I don't accept deception in relationships, so no, I can't make myself to do that. I'm really sorry." I said.

"No, Angela. I know you still love me! Can't go back to the past? Why of course we can!" said Darius.

"Okay Darius, I've made this clear that we are over okay? As much as I would like to believe you, I can't do it because you hurt me too much." I replied, tears threatening to fall. "Moreover, if you really do care about the relationship, why would you block me in social media? Why would you block my number? And most importantly, why would you talk trash about me to a random girl whom you just hooked up?"

"Don't care about it," said Darius, cupping my cheeks with both hands. "Because I really wanted to get back with you and that's all that matters."

His hands and his touch is no longer giving me the warmth and security I needed. Instead, it gave me coldness, disgust and deception.

"That's what I hate about you, Darius. You're so selfish. You think about yourself a lot, and you never care about how others feel. You just wanted yourself to be happy." I replied, while removing his hands.

Suddenly Darius narrowed his eyes at me, getting furious that I exposed his darkest weaknesses.

"Having fun exposing me, huh?" asked Darius. "Ha, you're trying my patience."

"You too." I replied, raising my voice. "I shouldn't have met you anyways. And please, I hope that this is the last time I'll talk to you." and I left.

Brett's POV

Angela was going to meet up with a guy, and I can tell she is bothered by it. I knew I have to help her out from this.

"Cynthia, mind if I ask you something?" I asked her.

"About what?" she asked as she bit in her hamburger.

"Do you know who the guy Angela is meeting with is?" I asked.

"Don't even mention about that piece of shit. He's Darius, and he's her ex, that's all. He did something shitty on her, and now Angela was there trying to clear things up with him and end the relationship officially." she answered. "Speaking of which, I hope she's fine."

"Yea, same." I answered, and I couldn't help but to drift back into the memory of me and Venus before. We used to be couples, but she's so fucking annoying and I finally broke up with her. And this is also the reason why I left to Taiwan for a good period of time because I'm hurt by the break up.

Instead of being scared of girls, why not using this kind of fear to convert it into a new superpower, which is to help Angela from her cruddy ex? Only then, I did not know how to make the first move. How I wish I could have her by my side one day, and offer her the love she actually deserves.

Wait, what is this called? What is this feeling called? Why am I feeling this way? Why am I already having butterflies in my stomach?

Gosh, Brett you need to stop.

Angela's POV

"I'm back." I announced to my friends.

"Welcome back! So how did it go?" asked Cynthia.

"It went fine. I flew him off easily." I answered with a triumphant smile. "Just hope I'll never get to meet that scumbag again."

"Yeah because you deserve someone better." smiled Eddy. "And by 'someone', I mean..."

Brett's face immediately tensed and so did mine. Luckily, Cynthia noticed my face and came to the rescue.

"Eddy stop, gosh!" she said. "Take things slowly, okay?"

"Oh, okay as you say." he replied. "It's 15 minutes to our next lessons. We should speed up our eating."

After lunch break, Brett suddenly walked close to me, and said:

"Angela, you know I'll be by your side as always. I hope you're not mad at me for knowing this but Cynthia told me about you and Darius. You can talk to me about Darius if you want."

I smiled. He is so sweet, and I swear I almost blushed.

"No not at all! And sure," I said. "I'll tell you when I feel like I'm ready to tell."

"No hurries, but I'll be there if you want someone to talk to about it. I'm happy to help." he replied, as he brushed his bangs from his eyes and smiled at me with his small but trusting eyes.

"Thanks, Brett." I said and smiled back. "Are you having history later? Should we walk to class together?"

"Sure," replied Brett shyly, and walked along with me. I could feel my heartbeat accelerating and the voice of it going on a crescendo.

"Oh dude, he's flirting." said Eddy, watching us from afar. "Look at the chemistry they're having together."

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