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- ' This place is almost as beautiful as your balcony. Right eonni? '
Chaeyoung said with a sweet smile and Jisoo nodded. They were enjoying the sunset from the roof terrace.
- ' Though I miss our Kingdoms very much....but...this place is not that bad. It’s kind of...good. '
- ' Right. At we can be ourselves...without etiquettes and manners...fake smiles and duties. '
- ' Have you noticed eonni..everyone is changed now? '
Jisoo smiled and looked at Chaeyoung
- ' I did. Yoongi, Lisa and Hoseok are not cold and fierce anymore...Jungkook is not that brother is a lot relaxed .. Jimin is smiling a lot more...and we..'
- ' We? '
- ' We...are...getting along...pretty well than before. '
- ' True...we talk a lot more than before. You know what eonni...I was a bit afraid of you before..because you were not that talkative like me. '
- ' And now? '
- ' Now? '
Chaeyoung's eyes lit up brightly and she said with a smile
- ' Now I'm not at all afraid of you. We're friends...right? '
- ' Yes Chaeyoung...we are. You're the most sweetest girl I've ever seen. '

Now this is what Chaeyoung still can't manage...compliments from Jisoo. She looked in a different direction to hide the  blush pink colour on her face.

- ' Chaeyoung? '
- ' Hmmm?'
- ' Once oppa wrote a poem on sunset...  you want to listen? '
- ' Obviously....look at the sky! This is the best time. '
Jisoo smiled and started reciting

- ' This time feels like forever and old...
When the sunset blossoms in red and gold.
The flame came in its boldest blaze -
Setting fire with a rainbow glaze.

The velvety night will approach you soon,
With the shimmering stars and dreamy moon..
Can you hear me before twilight beckons the stars?
Have you ever felt my deep and darkest  scars?

The most beautiful sunsets are the ones  we share...
The sun kisses the horizon with utmost care.
I want to see how sunset decorates your  hair ;
How it matches with your ethereal flair..

You, you're the cynosure of my eyes
For you, I can leave these brightest skies.
Hold me once and embrace this day..
This sunset in this sky will forever stay. '

Jisoo finished and looked  at Chaeyoung, who was deeply moved and awed.
- ' liked it? '
- ' I loved it! Such beautiful poem....oh my god eonni...seriously, Seokjin oppa's poems has it own charms...but when you recited, that's...that’s like music to my ears! '

Jisoo smiled and again looked at the crimson sky. She really likes to make Chaeyoung happy...that smile is the sweetest thing she has ever observed...

Things are changing slowly between the two Princesses.

But will they realise it before it's late?

Keep reading to find out!

Thanks for reading 💜✨

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