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1 month has passed by since the royals came. The scientist trio has succeeded a bit in their project...and the royals are now accustomed with the situation totally. What both of them couldn’t handle was their heart and emotions. The relations were evolving and feelings were getting stronger day by day.

Jimin and Yoongi were stuck in the same place. Their hearts were drawing each others close, but duties and responsibilities were pulling them apart.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo are now really good friends and both realised their emotions, but...they were not ready to accept it.

Jennie's heart was melting softly for Lisa, but Lisa showed no such feelings. Not because she had none...  because she  knew,  after a short while, she has to depart.

Here, Seokjin was being a really good friend and took great care of Namjoon... but he didn’t realise that his efforts were creating different feelings on the other's heart. Namjoon's situation was really troublesome. He was falling for the prince and was stopping himself at the same time.

On the other hand, Jungkook and Taehyung were having the great time of their lives. Both of them were lonely somehow, and inspite being two different characters , they understood each others deeply. That was a pure friendship.... or at least, they thought so.

There was one person who was observing this whole situation...who..  was understanding these emotions clearly...and after all this time, he decided to help all of them. After-all , he loved them friends, as brothers or as sisters.

He was Jung Hoseok...butler of Jungkook.

Hoseok knew that his prince and Taehyung are not realising their heart, so he didn’t interfere on that matter.

The first thing he wanted to resolve was the matter between his friend, Yoongi and the prince he loves as his brother, Jimin.

Jimin was in his room, trying on different clothes that Taehyung has recently bought for him when Hoseok knocked the door. A smile immediately placed on his lips as he saw Hoseok.

- ' Hyung?'
- ' May I come in Prince? '
- ' Hyung I've told you before...don't ask for permission. Just come in. '

Hoseok smiled and sat on the chair across the bed. Jimin also flopped down on his bed.

- ' So? Any problem? '
- ' Problem...maybe. But not mine. '
- ' Then? Jungkook? He's in trouble? '
- ' Don't worry Prince. Your friend is living  the fullest...thanks to Taehyung. '

Jimin's face brightened on the mention of his two friends.
- ' You've noticed it, too? '
- ' Definitely. I'm his butler after-all. '
- ' Seriously hyung...I never thought Jungkook would be like this. He's soo changed now...smiling a lot, genuinely happy, enjoying life! I'm really really happy for him. Taehyung casted magic spells on him! '
- ' I can't argue more. True...Taehyung really helped him to break down his walls and to live the life. As much happy I am to see my Prince smiling, I'm worried for my other Prince. '
Jimin blinked a few times in confusion. He knew Hoseok calls him his other prince...but what's wrong with him?
- ' Me? '
- ' Yes. I'm talking about you. '
- ' But I'm totally fine hyung...nothing to worry. '
- ' Are you? Is there really nothing that's bothering your mind? Then why my Prince seems a little gloomy and stressed nowadays? '
Jimin went silent with the question. Hoseok read his face for a while, then again said
- ' So you accept the fact that you're in a battle with your mind? '
- ' I mean..'
- ' Prince Jimin.... I know everything. Please, don't hesitate anymore and let your heart do the talking. '
Jimin's eyes widen
- ' Everything..? you mean? '
- ' I mean...I know what is in your heart. More like...who is in your heart.'

A prominent shade of red started spreading across his face as he shuttered
- ' Wh..who Ju...Jungkook? '
- ' No...he said nothing. I just have the right eyes to see beyond. '

Jimin said nothing and looked down. He felt miserable and regret his love. At this  point...he wished he had never met Yoongi.

- ' Prince Jimin? '
No reply came. Hoseok went up and sat down on the floor, right infront of Jimin.
- ' I know what you are  thinking. You want to  escape this want to stop your want to forget everything..right? '
Jimin again said nothing...just nodded.
- ' But my can't do any of this. Instead, you can do something else  which can settle the matter. '
Jimin looked at Hoseok with questioning eyes and Hoseok gave him an assuring smile.
- ' Let's forget anything else and let your heart do everything it wants. '
- ' Wh..what?!  No no....I can't... I'm a Prince and-'
- ' I know it...I know your boundaries and  duties. I know you're not supposed to do this. I know everything. '
- ' Then? Why are you telling me to go against rules and society? '
- ' Because is beyond everything. I know both of you want each others. Situations and circumstances are pulling you miles think your hands are tied. But it’s not. I don’t know if you believe in fate and destiny....but I do. If it's love , it's meant to be. I know everything and everyone will tell you what to do and what to not. You live inside his heart and he lives in yours. Nothing could keep you apart from your love. Love is stronger than anything. I know it's not easy and it will never be. But you can fight with the whole world if you have the right person besides you. You'll fly and fall...but together you can climb any mountain and can cross every oceans. It will feel impossible but it's not. You can change the world with love.  It's up to you. Let your heart decide and fly to this vast sky called love. '

The butler has the given the best advice to the prince. But will the prince listen to his words? Will things settle down between Jimin and Yoongi?

Find out in next chapter!

Thanks for reading 💜✨

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