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The whole crowd bursted in cheers and applauds as the young Prince appeared on the large stadium on the castle lawn.
He was dressed in three of the royal colours of the three Kingdoms - A crisp red suit to honour the Kim Kingdom, a white dress shirt symbolising the Park Kingdom , and a vibrant blue tie representing the Jeon Kingdom. He confidently merch to the stage to face the audience and the first thing he did was to flash a bright, energetic smile... channeling a positive vibe to the entire Empire.

- ' His smile is still the same....innocent, pure and cute! '
Jungkook whispered as Jimin and Hoseok smiled at him.

Soobin then bowed to the Kings and the  Queens while thanking them for their immense support throughout this tough time. He acknowledged the public for staying loyal to the royal family and supporting their decisions..and soon he came to the ending part of his speech

- ' And...I wanna say something more.. something for 8 very precious humans in my life....who made me what I am today. I don’t know if they're listening to this or not..but I want to convey my feelings, in hopes this would reach them somehow. '
Soobin took a deep breath, closed his eyes and started
- ' My hyung....my elder sibling....elder Prince of the Jeon Kingdom...I just want to thank you for every single moments you've spend with me. I never told you but I consider myself very much lucky that you are my brother. I've always looked up at you....your valour, your spirit always inspired me to do good. I don’t know where you are...or if I'll ever be able to meet you again or not..but please know one thing, hyung..your little brother will try his best to make you proud. I love you hyung....I love you dearly. '

- ' And I love you kid...I..love you...and...I'm proud of you boy...'
Taehyung turned at Jungkook who was staring at the would-be-emperor with glittering eyes. Taehyung pressed Jungkook's hands lightly as Soobin started again

- ' I want to thank my Hobi hyung. That's the nickname I gave you and no-one was permitted to call you that other than me! You know why hyung? Because your 'Young Prince' loves you so so much that....that it can't be described in words. You're the reason I never wanted a butler...because no-one would be so good like you. You were like a guardian angel to me....always protecting  me from everything. I wish you were here today...to bless me with your bright smile and your precious presence..but...guess I'm not not that lucky! I don’t want to ruin the festive mood...so in short, I LOVE YOU Hobi hyung. '

Hoseok smiled one of his brightest smiles and his eyes glittered in pride
- ' My Young Prince grew up so much in this few months! '
Jungkook smiled and side-hugged his butler
- ' Truly hyung...I can't be more proud of him. '

- ' As I am standing in the lawn of the Kim Palace, some sweet memories are coming back to my mind...memories with my eldest hyung...Jin hyung. '
As Soobin mentioned Seokjin's name, he smiled widely ....so did the eldest Prince , standing in the crowd.

- ' Remember hyung....you used to teach me pros and cons of writing..and I used you admire your heartfelt poems! Such good old days...I'll treasure them always in my heart. You're that person every Prince and Princess looked up to. Noble   by heart, royal by blood, angel by appearance and human by deeds....thank you soo much for teaching me how a Prince should be. Not like you obviously, but I'll try my best to apply your precious lessons throughout my life. I love you Jin hyung...you're my role model. '

- ' I'm sure you'd be far better King than I'd ever be youngest....I feel like I've done something really good by teaching you a few things. Make everyone proud Soobin...we trust you.'

Only the team surrounding the eldest heard this and everyone smiled brightly at the blessing of the eldest.

- ' And I remember my eldest noona..my Jisoo noona. You're not a Princess... I've always felt that you're a true Queen. '

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