Rex vs Team CRDL

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Rex had been sent to this world of warrior students, crazy creatures, and misguided criminals. All by the curiosity of Breach, but he soon learned that she did it to save him from Van Kleiss and Rex has been trying to live in this crazy world as one of them, all while trying to keep his powers a secret.

But it couldn't last forever.

For his powers ended up recorded by a stranger and shown on the news of him battling the White Fang and winning.

After a shocking and difficult initiation, many of people that watched the news video plus Beacon's students, were asking questions to themselves.

The main question of which was: How was a young man, who looked younger than most of the future Huntsman and Huntresses, minus Ruby, so freaking powerful. And how did he keep it hidden for a few months here at Beacon.

Some of the many other questions were: How many of those metal builds does he have at his disposal? Is powers some kind of semblance or are they something else. And finally, what was the source of his power that allowed him to create those power builds of his.

Weiss and Blake were suspicious of this boy long before it was made public and were both intent on discovering what power he wields that is able to put to shame the abilities and skill of Huntresses and Huntsman alike.

As soon as the both of them walked up to Rex and demanded to know his power, he was defended by Ruby and Yang, saying that he helped them and shouldn't jump to conclusions.

They agreed at first but soon, they decided that the best course of action was to hunt him down and interrogate him. All they had to do was follow him undetected and when the time is right ambush him from the shadows and interrogate him in the darkness in hopes of finding out his secret. Just like in the books Blake reads.

But Blake soon began to see that he was a nice guy. Defending Velvet like that, and training with Jaune to make him better. And how he was able to save her from roman and defeating the White Fang.

But when they came back to Beacon after getting Blake back, they were suddenly chased by a crowd of students, to which they didn't know why. But they soon met with Team JNPR in their room and they showed Team RRWBY that the reason that they were being chased by the crowd was because Rex's powers had been broadcasted on the news and that crowd was chasing them to get some answers out of Rex about his powers and Oum knows what else they might want to know. 

Rex was in a bigger pickle now then ever.

But now, how is Rex going to live, knowing that he's painted a target on his back now.

Lets see.

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(Cue This will be the Day by Jeff Williams)


(The scene opens up with Ruby Rose kneeling at Summer's gravestone near the Cliffside Forest, as Red petals are flying off of her.)

'They see you as small and helpless'

(In the midst of a snowstorm, she looks up and sees a figure wearing a white cloak, with a red interior, nearly identical to hers, that looks as if a person is wearing it before dissolving into white rose petals.)

'They see you as just a child'

(The moon then starts to scatter as the sky changes color, and a huge gust of wind kicks up snow and rose petals from Ruby's cloak.)

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