Rex vs The Grimm

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March 1
Emerald forest

After walking around, aimlessly, the group of three soon were lost as they didn't know which way to go. Now, Rex and Ruby were sitting on the ground while Weiss was constantly pacing back and forth saying that "this was the way to the temple" or "no this is the way."

Ruby was just playing with sticks and leaves on the ground but Rex was still contemplating everything that just transpired the past half hour or so.

"Ok, so I am in a different world with no nanites, those creatures called Grimm are in this forest, and when I tried to cure one, there weren't any nanites in it. Nothing at all. And that tree. Nanites were even in plants and trees back home but there weren't any in them either. So, it has to be true that I've been sent to a different world. Thanks to Breach. But why? Why did she send me to this world? This must be a joke to her. She sent me here to show that I can't be reliable or something. That has to be it. But wait. Then what did she mean by "I don't want you to die. UGH" thought Rex to himself as he kept thinking.

He then took a deep breath then exhaled as he continued thinking "Ok, I can't panic now. I need to be calm and think of a plan. These girls said they were with a group. And a group means  that there must be someone in charge, which means if I go with them, then I can get some answers. But I've got to be cool about it. Can't risk drawing attention to myself." 

But then his thoughts were cancelled by a loud and annoyed Ruby saying,"Why can't you just admit that you have no idea where we're going" as she stood up and threw her arms in the air in frustration.

Weiss huffed as she said "Because I know exactly where we're going. We're... going to... the forest temple" as she stuttered with her words, as she didn't want to admit that she too was confused.

Rex heard her words and just gave a slight exasperated chuckle through his nose as he replied "Nice save there, Ice queen" as he did the same as Ruby and began to stand up.

"Oh shut up. You don't know where we are either!" snapped Weiss in frustration at Rex.

"Maybe not, but at least I'm not trying to act like I know everything" replied Rex at Weiss in an annoyed tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" scoffed Weiss at Rex.

"Argh. Why are you so bossy all the time?!" yelled Ruby, joining in on the fight.

"I'm not bossy. Don't say that stuff" huffed Weiss to Ruby.

"Yea, ya kind of are, Ice Queen" said Rex, which just made Weiss more mad.

"Stop calling me that!" screamed Weiss in annoyance.

"Then stop acting like you're prefect" said Rex with annoyance in his voice.

"I'm not perfect. Not yet at least. But I'm still leagues better than you two" as Weiss began to walk away from the two.

Rex was frustrated at this girl. Acting all high and mighty. He'd had a right mind to put her in her place and show that she's not the best, but he knew better than that. He still needed answers and if he had to put up with her to get them, then so be it.

He then heard Ruby said sadly "You don't even know me."

Rex looked back at her and could see the sad look on her face. He put his hand on her shoulder, reassuring her not to feel down. Ruby looked up at him and could see he was trying to cheer him up. She didn't know him and vice versa but she knew that they would become good friends in the future. They then got up and followed Weiss.

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(Cue This will be the Day by Jeff Williams)

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