The Grim Invasion of Vale

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Beacon (After Ruby finds the White Fang)

Jaune Arc was sleeping in his team's dorm room until he was awoken by his scroll. He picked it up and saw it was Ruby.

"Hello?" called Jaune but all he got was static then it cut out. He was weirded out by the call and tried to go back to sleep but kept thinking about it through the night.

Morning(August 20)

Morning came and JNPR was heading out to the Bullhead to head to their assignment mission.

But all Jaune kept thinking about was the call. It sounded like she was trying to say something important from the tone in her voice but he couldn't hear her.

Pyrrha saw that Jaune was still worrying about Ruby so she assured him saying "I'm sure they're fine. They've got Rex. I'm sure that they're good" trying to take Jaune's mind off of them.

"You think so?" asked Jaune as he thought about Pyrrha's words.

"Probably a butt dial..." commented Nora as she skipped along the way.

"Team RRWBY has always performed exceptionally in the field. And like Pyrrha said they have Rex. And he's incredibly strong. We should be focusing on our own mission" said Ren as he followed alongside.

"We're gonna be deputies!" exclaimed Nora as she jumped for joy.

Jaune knew that he teammates were right but he wasn't sure as he said "I just got this feeling... I don't know."

Pyrrha tried to persuade him to try and not think about it. But then, they heard alarms ringing as they looked over into the distance and saw that the city of Vale was up in smoke.

The team was surprised by it all and looked to their team leader to decide what to do as Jaune gained a determined look and said "We're changing our mission. Everyone on board!" as they all headed to the airship.


As the team headed out, Mercury, Cinder, and Emerald watched what was happening before they looked over at the Town of Vale.

Emerald saw the grim creatures crawling around Vale as she said "You don't think..."

"Sure looks like it" said Mercury as he interrupted Emerald.

"That's still days away!" exclaimed Emerald as she knew

Mercury turned to Cinder and asked "So? What do we do?"

All Cinder did was look out the window and she pondered at what to do.


(Cue Time to say goodbye by Jeff Williams)

'There's a point where it tips.'

'There's a point where it breaks.'

'There's a point where it bends.'

(The camera closes in on Beacon Academy as rose petals and little blue lights gently fall from the sky.)

'And a point we just can't take.'

(One silver eye on the left and one brown eye on the right open and look forth at the camera.)


(In the school courtyard, Rex Salazar walks slowly towards the entrance of the school. But he looks ahead and see several grimm staring menacingly at him.)

'There's a line that we'll cross.'

(Rex keeps walking but he soon starts to walk a bit faster.)

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