Festivals and Arguments

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Timeskip (Over a month/ June 18)

After having ben through a lot of classes the other day, Rex was glad that it was going to be Saturday as that meant he could sleep in, and not have to worry about homework. He had been stuck in this world for a few months and while he did learn a lot of things about this strange world, he still hated that it was a school he had to go to. Even though it was a combat school, for the sake of keep his powers a secret, he couldn't use them for combat and he was stuck with a stupid gun sword. But it was all he could do in order to keep his powers a secret.

Speaking of secrets, he was still surprised that the people that knew of his powers still kept them a secret from the world. Well, he knew Blake and Weiss weren't exactly fond of being kept in the dark but since headmaster Ozpin told them to keep their mouth shut, they had not choice but to oblige. But recently, Blake seemed to be a bit more open to him than she was before. It was strange to rex that she was becoming more open but he was glad wasn't as pestering about his powers as she was before. Sadly the same thing can't be said about Weiss. 

Granted, she still hasn't said anything for a while, but rex knows that her burning question about him is still in the forefront of her mind. But he'll deal with that later. Right now, he just wanted to a have a nice relaxing sleep in in his nice bed. 

Too bad, it was ruined by an alarm


Rex just groaned as he wrapped his head around the pillow as he tried to drown out the noise. 

The girls soon woke up as Ruby and Yang groaned as well but Blake simply sat up from her bed.

Weiss soon jumped out of her bed and then zoomed over to the closet, closed the door, and then came out with her clothes already on her.

"Hurry up, everyone. Get dressed. We're going out to Vale" said Weiss as she zoomed over and opened the drapes and windows, blinding Rex as he groaned some more.

"Why?" complained Rex as he just wanted some rest. 

"We're heading to Vale to see the decorations being made now. And to meet the new kids that'll be here" said Weiss as she began to load her sword with more dust cylinders.

"But why do I have to go?" complained Rex.

"Because I refuse to be on a team of lazy butts, so get up and get out there now" said Weiss as she pointed at him with her sword.

"Ugh, you're the worst ice queen" said Rex as Yang and Ruby just snickered. 

"Oh shut up and get yourself in gear or I'm dragging you there" continued Weiss as she kept pointing her sword but making air jabs at him.

"Could you do it with a shopping cart or a wagon?" asked Rex as he still didn't get up.

Weiss just rolled her eyes as she sheathed her sword as she said "Ugh, you are unbelievable. Just come on" as she yanked his sheets in a huff, but soon blushed brightly as she saw that he was in his boxers, and t-shirt.

"I tried to warn you" said Rex as he stood up and yanked his blanket back, while Ruby, Weiss and Blake looked away in embarrassment, but Yang simply stared at him in his boxers and drooled a little.

'Hello, hot stuff' was all she thought as she wiped the drool off her face.

Weiss just groaned as she said "Will you just put some clothes on!?" as she covered eyes but still pointed at him.

Rex simply rolled his eyes as he said "Yes sir, Inspector Heath" as he walked over to the closet. 

"What?" was all Weiss said as she didn't understand what that meant or who that was.

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