Distances and Dance Parties

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Beacon Locker Rooms

August 8

It was three days after Rex and his team battled with Roman and after they got back, they found Neptune and Sun and, lets just say, they weren't all that happy with them just bailing out on them like that. It was now three days after and Pyrrha Nikos was putting on her equipment in a dark locker room and proceeded down a hallway into the arena, as time passsd, as she was battling with Team CRDL.

Glynda's combat room

She was now running and shifting Miló from Rifle to Spear form to confront Cardin during her spar against him and his team.

Starting the fight, she launched her spear at Dove and then knocked Sky to the ground as Cardin unleashed a short column of Fire from the Red Dust crystal in his Mace before he and Sky attempt to double-team Pyrrha.

Pyrrha threw her shield, which hit Cardin in the face and bounced back to hit Sky as well. She then flipped backwards through the air to land on Sky, incapacitating him.

Dove and Russel rushed her together, but she was able to drive them back as Cardin leapt in to smash at her with his mace.

Pyrrha opened fire with rifle-form Miló, but Russel covers Cardin, deflecting every shot with his daggers.

He and Dove charge at Pyrrha, with Russel leaping into the air and performing a triple somersault; however, the attack is easily deflected.

Russel and Dove proceeded to strike at Pyrrha together, demonstrating precision through their ability to avoid hitting one another during the attack.

Cardin attempted to capitalize on the distraction, but was unable to keep up with Pyrrha. Russel ducks in under Cardin for a surprise attack, but also proves himself unable to wear her down.

Dove moves in after Russel is knocked to the ground. After a couple of deflected swipes, he fires on her with his sword, but she is able to bull right through using her shield.

Although he is able to avoid her attack, Dove finds himself knocked out of the fight by an errant swing from Cardin, who moves in for one final assault.

Pyrrha knocks Cardin into the air and then leaps to slam him into the ground, ending the fight.

"And that's the match" announced Glynda, approaching from behind Cardin who is clutching his ribs.

"Lucky shot" mumbledCardin before he collapsed.

"Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament" said Glynda as she praised her student.

"Thank you, professor" said Pyrrha as she bowed to her.

"Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match" said Glynda while scrolling through her Scroll.

"Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna?" asked Glynda, causing Blake to slam her book shut with wide eyes, looking paler than usually with dark circles around her eyes, making her resemble a panda.

"You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you –." said Glynda until Mercury raised his hand.

"I'll do it" said Mercury, volunteering for the next match.

"Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent" said Glynda, trying to keep a neutral face towards the only male that seemed to want to spar anyone.

"Actually, I wanna fight..." said Mercury as he trailed off as he looked around until his eye landed on Rex, just sitting and not paying attention to him.

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