A train ride where danger lies

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August 20

It was close to the next morning in Vale as Ironwood was standing outside of Beacon as he glanced out at Vale.

Soon he heard footsteps behind him as a voice said "Trouble sleeping?" to which Ironwood turned around and turned out to be Glynda walking toward him with a cup of coffee in her hands.

Ironwood gripped his shoulder and said "Arm was acting up."

Glynda didn't buy what he was saying as she said"Of course, so logically, you got out of bed, dressed yourself completely and decided to gaze menacingly out into the distance."

She approached him, then looked at him concerned saying "What's wrong?"

Ironwood said in rough voice "I've trusted him for years. We both have. I just... I can't help but feel like he's keeping us in the dark."

Glynda scoffed at his words saying "Don't be ridiculous! You know very well that we are not the ones in the dark."

Ironwood laughed humorously saying "That makes it worse! I refuse to believe that a man that I've trusted for so long would act so... passively."

Glynda put a reassuring hand on her friend's shoulder saying "You're a good person, James. You've always done what you think is best for the people, even against strong protest. It's admirable. But it's high time you stopped talking about trust and started showing it. Ozpin has experience that the rest of us lack. And I think that's something worth remembering. But I have a feeling that you're not only thinking just about Ozpin, am I correct?"

Ironwood figured she would ask something like that and knew that he might as well get it off his chest so he said "I just don't get why he said that I have to earn his trust."

Glynda figured as much that he was talking about Rex as she said "You have to remember, he was part of a government agency even before ending up here.  And he said that it wasn't the best experience. But you have to remember that as time went on, he began to trust that agency he was a part of, I don't remember the name though" as she scratched her head.

"That may be true but what can I do to earn that trust. He's someone with tremendous powerful and strength. If the threat of Salem is getting nearer as the time passes on, then we need him to help us. But how can I do that when he doesn't trust me completely" said Ironwood in an exaggerated manner, scaring Glynda a bit.

"James, calm down. Yelling is going to help at all" said Glynda as she placed her arm on his shoulder.

Ironwood soon calmed down as he then said "Even if he's been part of a government agency in his world, what makes him think that I'm the bad guy? How can I show him that I'm trustworthy?" as he grew a somber look.

Glynda could tell that this was frustrating him so she decided to say "Yes, that may be hard for you to accept, but you have to think about Rex's predicament. He's far from his home, his real family and friends, and he's just been given top secret info that we don't like to tell anyone random. But we did it because we knew what might happen if he didn't know who Salem was. She might find her way to him and trick him into joining her side. And that wouldn't bode well for us" as she let go of his shoulder.

"So you have to understand that he's going through a lot right now and he's scared that he might get taken away and experimented because his powers aren't anything this world has seen before at all, and people would naturally want to know what those powers are. And since you're a general of an army, he would naturally react to you in a negative way. He's scared because, without his family or friends from his world, he's got to think abut things on his own. And that can be scary for a kid his age. But its part of growing up, so I hope that he get's over it one day" said Glynda with a bit of happiness in her voice.

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