Journey to Mt. Glenn

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(August 19)

The gang was still in shock that the person that they were shadowing with was the craziest teacher of them all.

Rex still had his look of disappointment on as he leaned to the side and whispered to Yang, "Why do I get the feeling that Ozpin did this just to screw with us for breaking his rules?"

Yang leaned in closer and said "Its most likely. He didn't seem that happy about us doing them anyway."

While Rex and Yang were talking Weiss decided to be the first to ask as she said "Professor Oobleck?" as she wanted to try and understand if he was the person they were going with, which she hoped wouldn't be the case.

Oobleck began answering her by walking back and forth saying, "Yes, I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary, you lot. Seeing as you've opted to shadow a Huntsman on what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you, we will not be establishing a single base of operations; rather, we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland and making camp in any defendable locations we may stumble upon. I packed all of our essentials myself, plotted our air course, and readied the airship. And..." said Oobleck as he got up in Weiss's face and said in an annoyed voice,

"It's Doctor Oobleck. I didn't earn my PhD for fun, thank you very much!" as he then backed away from her quickly.

Weiss looked over at Blake Belladonna, who was also disturbed by his craziness.

"Come now, children. According to my schedule, we are already three minutes behind... schedule!" said Oobleck as he zipped over to the ship in a instant.

Rex wasn't as surprised by his speed but still couldn't help but think "Jeez and I thought Ben could move that fast"  as he let out a sigh of defeat. This was going going to be a roller coaster of emotions. 

Ruby then looked at her team and said "Well, alright, then! Looks like we're going to save the world with Doctor Oobleck" then she heard what she said and then said "Yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse."

"Oh, ya think" replied Rex in a snarky way.

"Save the world!?" said a voice from behind them as the team turned around to see Nora and the rest of team JNPR approaching.

"You're going on world-saving missions without us? I'm hurt... sad! Maybe a little hungry? That last one's not your fault, though, Ren..." said Nora while Ren just folded his arms and looked away.

"Sounds exciting. Where ya going?" asked Jaune.

"Oh, we're just going to.... someplace dangerous. Possibly death inducing. And we are not to let anyone know of our whereabouts. Cause if you do know, we'll tie cinder block to your legs and throw into the lake. So tell me this. Do you want know what we're doing" said Rex in a evil voice, trying to be funny.

Jaune became freaked out and hid behind Pyrrha as he said in a nervous voice "Nope, nope. We're good. We'll leave alone" as he shook in fear.

Rex just chuckled saying "I'm just messing with ya, man. We're just going outside the kingdom."

"Hey! So are we!" yelled Nora in excitement.

"Ren and Nora wanted to shadow the sheriff of a nearby village. We set out tomorrow" said Pyrrha in her cheery voice.

"Then you can party with us tonight" said a familiar voice, which turned out to be Sun and Neptune.

"We're shadowing a crime specialist. All inner-city detective stuff. We get junior badges" said Sun as the two then held up two shin golden-looking badges.

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