A talk with Tai

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Just a heads up for everyone, I've decided to change Yang's character around a bit. So this chapter will be about Yang but changing her reasons for being a huntress. This chapter will include the "Yellow" trailer for RWBY but I'm going to change it a bit. At least the end of it. Enjoy.

Next morning (July 2)

It was the next morning after Rex's encounter with Raven Branwen, Mother to Yang, sister to Qrow, and ex-wife to Tai. Rex had been told about her before from Ozpin and when he asked about the Spring Maiden, she never gave an answer but Rex had a feeling she did know. But she was stubborn, kind of like Yang, and managed to get her to leave. Even through...... excessive means.

Anyways, it was the next morning and Yang had woken up before anyone else, and was dealing with her troublesome hair, even though she's protective of it.

"I hate bad hair days" complained Yang to herself, trying to get the knots out of her hair, only to let out a yell of frustration.

Rex had woken up a few minutes after her and was walking down to the kitchen for breakfast when he came near the bathroom and heard her frustrations.

"Are you okay, Yang?" asked Rex as he kept hearing her cries of anger.

"No, it's just that how can I fix this mess! My hair has knots! Its such a pain" yelled Yang in reply.

"Do you need help. I can try to fix it" offered Rex, causing Yang to stare at him in disbelief but also skepticism.

"I'll try to comb the knots out of your hair. Any products you might use in it, you're on your own with that one" said Rex.

After a minute of thinking, Yang sighed as there is nothing she can do.

She was really protective of her hair but she also didn't want to hurt him. Plus, she was still banned from the good hairdressers in Vale due to her anger of her hair being touched.

But she then thought that maybe this would be a good chance to bond with him. Maybe even tease him a little.

"Alright, Rex. But please be careful, I happen to be very protective of my hair..." replied Yang, wanting to get this over with but was secretly planning something evil.

Rex walked in and grabbed a brush and then began working on combing the knots out, only for her Yang to tense up and instantly elbow him in the face, send him out of the bathroom.

"OW, why did you hit me?" asked Rex, holding his nose as his nanites began to heal him.

"Sorry, Rex! That was just my instincts" explained Yang, knowing her instincts of someone touching her hair, as she turned and saw his nose glow blue lines.

"Sheesh. You're already making me regret stopping by" said Rex as his nose felt better.

"I'm sorry. But there is something I want know" asked Yang.

"What's that?" asked Rex.

"What was that on your nose. Why was it glowing?" asked Yang.

Rex flinched a little at her question but realized he had already explained his powers, a little bit, so he figured he could indulge her question.

"Its like I said a week or so ago. The nanites inside me are able to fix any damage to my body, like my own mini hospital staff. If that makes any sense" said Rex as he felt the pain numb away and felt his nose feel better.

"Must be handy those powers. Wish I had something like that. Then I could make my own creations like yours. But more explode-y. Like your giant hands but more yellow and they would have my shotgun blasters at the end of them. Oh, that would be so cool" said Yang as he placed her hand on her cheeks and began to envision her own creation builds like Rex, but in her own way.

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