Food Fights and Phases

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Beacon academy

Ozpin's office

(The Day before classes start/ July 16)

Ozpin had been up for several nights, still dealing with the events that transpired in the past few days. In just a few days, Rex's powers had been exposed on the news and he had already been getting phone calls from people and he's been stressed trying to deal with them. They were all about Rex and he had tried to deter people away from him.

Some of the calls were still about parents asking about their child's safety after seeing Rex's powers and those students mentioning that he goes to Beacon Academy. Some parents still weren't comfortable with having a boy with the power to grow metal out of his body and already picking fights with the White Fang. He tried to reason with them but the parents were.....very persistent.

Ozpin had become very stressed as to how to deal with this situation. How could he prove to the parents of his students that Rex wasn't a bad person. That he can be trusted. At this rate, his options were limited, so he could only think of one thing that could show people he was on their side.

Move the Vytal Festival to September 15, instead of having it on October 15. He had already told the other headmasters about his plan and they weren't exactly happy about the idea. The other headmasters of the other huntsmen academies were Professor Theodore, the Headmaster of Shade. Professor Lionheart, Headmaster of Haven Academy. And Professor James Ironwood of Atlas.

It had now been two weeks since he told them his plan and he hadn't heard anything at all from them.

Until now.

Ozpin had finished some paperwork for classes and had sat back in his chair in relief when suddenly, he had gotten a message on his computer. He scooted his way over and saw that it was and video call from all three other headmasters.

Ozpin took a deep breath as he then clicked the call.


Timeskip(Close to the end of the call)

"Ozpin, we understand that you wanted to move the Vytal Festival closer because you wanted people to understand that that boy of yours, but we still have out doubts" said Lionheart.

"I agree. Moving it this early would cause some problems for our school's schedule and stuff. We did some experimenting and we were able to try and fix our schedule to work with your idea but we still don't like that you're only doing this just for one boy" said Theodore.

Ozpin sighed as he said "I understand that but if I can't show people that he's trustworthy by showing him that he's on our side, then the parents telling us to bring their children back will continue and if I can't show them that he's a more responsible kid, then I'll lose my students. And we know what will happen if Beacon isn't guarded by students."

Hearing made everything go quiet as no one said a word.

"Yes we are aware. Which is why we chatted together without you to talk about it and we figured that it would be beneficial for you. But there's another reason that we've decided to accept your request" said Theodore.

This made Ozpin raise and eye brow as he asked "And what would that be?"

"When we talked to our students about possibly moving the Vytal Festival sooner to September 15, some of our own Faunus students were pretty excited with the idea. I had asked mine and they said they wanted to go to Beacon to thank the young boy who stopped the White Fang. They were happy that someone was willing to stand up to them to stop their evil plans. And the thought of seeing him sooner was something they were wanting to do. So my students say that its a good idea, though this'll give me a headache with paperwork but I guess my student's happiness is something to strive towards" said Theodore.

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