Chapter 48: Lovers' Spat

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Harry's POV

I didn't even wait for his bike to reach the gate and disappear from our sites before I steered her towards the open front door.

Gently, of course.

I told myself that I'd stay calm and not jump the gun but she was making it extremely hard for me right now.

Breathe Harry. Remember to breathe.

My hand laid on her lower back, urging her to move with me but her eyes stayed glued to his retreating figure. Her eyes were brighter and almost...happier. The smile on her face never leaving.

Even when I finally got her feet to move towards the door, her head appeared permanently etched to him.

OK...what is this?! Casablanca?!

Now I was angry. Practically raging, fueled by jealousy

How is it that this one girl out of the others that I've been with make me feel all of these things that I've never felt before?

Louis jabbed at me some time ago, "Maybe it's because you're attracted to someone your own age for once"

I'm not saying that I'm proud of myself in that aspect and I'm not trying to compare my Mia to those girls either.

She's nothing like them and nothing that I've ever experienced before her.

And the thought of that frustrates me so much yet thrills me and makes me feel alive...more than ever before.

"Oh man, Harry" she sighs happily as the door closes, "I've had the best day!"

"Oh yeah?" I couldn't keep the sarcasm from my tone and my annoyance grew more as I realized that she was too happy to tell me about her day that she didn't even notice it.

Stop! You stop this right now, Harry Styles!

But I couldn't stop it. I was jealous, hurt and disappointed.

And like the idiot I am, I'm taking it out on her.

"Yessss" she smiles widely and my heart flutters in my chest at the beautiful sight, "I mean, this isn't exactly how I wanted you guys to meet-"

The fluttering dulls, being replaced by the racing of the blood through my veins and the heat taking over every inch of my body.

"Let me stop you right there" my voice doesn't even sound like my own as I interrupt her speech. I couldn't control the words leaving my mouth as all sense of reason flew out the window and my hurting heart took over my actions, "Do you even hear yourself right now? How selfish can you be?!"

I didn't mean to call her selfish when in fact, she isn't...she wasn't trying to be. She didn't know what I had planned today...all the strings I had to pull and how many nights I've spent setting this thing up so that it was perfect for her.

The entire plan went belly up...while she rode off on the back of Aaron's motorcycle.

She didn't know.

I wish I could take it back.

I wanted so badly to take those words back but it was too late. I'd already said them.

Her smile disappears as a puzzled expression adorns her soft features, "Um, I'm sorry - Am I missing something here?"

I hear a scoff pass my lips, "Now is not the time for you to act oblivious, Mia"

Low blow, mate...Low. Blow.

"Excuse me?" She's looking at me as though she doesn't even recognize me and quite frankly, I don't blame her. I don't even recognize myself.

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