Chapter 37: Get A Girl Who Can Do Both...Or Not

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Just a reminder because I know wattpad has been being weird so if you missed it, don't forget to read the previous chapter I posted a few days ago. Enjoy xx

The month of June passed by so quickly, I didn't even notice. I feel like my whole life has just been put on pause and I'm living another, waiting for someone to push that play button.

I mean, never would I have thought that I could travel the entire European continent in two months! Never would I have thought I'd travel Europe, period.

But I've adjusted. I'm getting used to this life. To be honest, it's really fun to be a part of. Exploring countries, meeting new people...everything is just amazing.

Though there are some down sides. It sucks that the person I want to experience all of this with has to keep his distance while we're in public. We can't go out, we can't be seen together outside of hotel rooms and the tour bus, basically we can't do anything that would wound us being caught by a fan or press.

It makes me feel guilty in a way because I feel like I'm being selfish. I'm the reason why we can't be normal best friends in the public eye because I'm scared that I won't be able to cope with the baggage that comes with being connected to Harry.

Does that make me a bad person? A bad friend maybe?

Why don't you just take my birth certificate and change my name to Chicken? Seems fitting doesn't it?

After what happened in Spain a few weeks ago, I've been on edge all the time...looking over my shoulder, keeping an observant eye, thanking myself for being so 'ancient' that I don't have any social media whatsoever. That day, I was able to handle the situation in a way so that it doesn't get out, all while playing it cool in front of Harry but on the inside, my anxiety skyrocketed through the roof.

I told myself that, that was the last time that I was ever going to listen to any idea that comes from the death trap named Harry Edward Styles.

It all started after having breakfast with Harry that morning, like we usually did when we're staying in the hotel...according to Harry, 'our thing', and Niall came by our hotel room and asked if he could 'borrow' Lily for a few minutes.

It has been a few hours...she didn't come back yet.

So I decided that for once, I'm wasn't to roam around the lonely hotel room like I've been doing for the past couple of weeks and go outside, get some fresh air, explore the beautiful city.

I remember abuela coming back from a trip she took to Spain a few years ago. She went on about it for an entire week. The stories she told about the memories she made here were so enticing and exciting so I wanted to make my own. Alone.

That is, until Harry barged in as I was about to leave the hotel room.


"Let's go explore!"

"I thought you were playing FIFA with Niall" I pointed out, grabbing my phone and purse and putting it into my cross-body bag.

"I was. It's Louis and Zayn's turn" he explained before whining "Now come on! Let's go explore the city of Madrid!"

"Haven't you already been to Spain, Harry?" I asked, a bit confused.

He nodded with a smile "Just not with you"

I look down, biting my lip to control the smile at his words and say "Well I was actually thinking of checking out the art gallery and then the main square..."

"Alright then! Let's go! I'll just get Paul and then we can-"

"Actually" I cut him off "I'm going alone"

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