Chapter 22: I'm Going To Miss You

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'I miss everything we do, I'm half a heart without you."

Well it's official. It's the last day. It's Monday again.

Probably the last time I'm ever going to see the boys again. I felt a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach at the thought of never seeing Harry again.

I know that's not true but the little devil on my shoulder keeps telling me it is. I guess I'll just have to wait and find out. The only downside is I hate surprises.

Maria left yesterday after lunch. It was nice having her around. I felt somewhat at ease with her around. Made me feel as though I was doing the right things and not screwing up.

Yesterday as well, I felt like I spent the entire day with Harry. From the moment I woke up to the moment I opened my bedroom door to go to sleep.

But I wasn't complaining. If anything, I longed to spend more time with him. Especially this week where the boys kept kidnapping my source of entertainment, it's hard not to feel lonely sometimes. Or all the time.

Harry was great company. He helped me in the kitchen for breakfast and lunch. Told me his bad jokes that we end up laughing at anyway.

"Ok ok. I've got another one," he said excitedly, cutting potatoes.

"Alright I'm listening!" I said chuckling at his eagerness.

"What did the traffic light say to the car? Hm?" he asked with a smirk.

"I don't know. Enlighten me."

He snorted, then he pretended to cover his body in an awkward position with his hands and exclaimed,"Don't look! I'm about to change!"

I burst out laughing at the expression on his face.

We played Scrabble for a while. After I won the first game, he was convinced that I cheated so we kept playing until he was satisfied.

I couldn't stop the smile that remained on my face at the end of every game when I saw the pouty expression on his face. Which is probably why he insisted that I cheated. He didn't know what I was smiling at. But it was so cute though.

At one point, Mari joined in. So Harry decided that it was the perfect time to tell her about our escapades while growing up. She was quite amused by how animatedly Harry told the stories. It was endearing to watch. I felt that camp fire start up in my chest again and I didn't want it to go out.

Closer to bedtime, we were on the couch watching The Notebook. Well I can't really say we were really watching it because our minds were in different places. He didn't know what I was thinking about and vice versa. When I realised the movie had ended, I muted the tv and we sat in complete silence. So I decided to break it.

"You excited to be going back on tour?"

He looked at me and smiled then looked at the television that was showing the end credits.

"I am, absolutely. I've grown so used to constantly being on the road that I can't help but feel bored when we're not. I like the little breaks we get in between but sometimes I feel like I don't know what to do with myself." he chuckles towards the end and I feel a small smile slowly making its way across my lips.

"Am I boring you Harold?" I teased.

"Oh must certainly not! Who else am I going to get to steal my cereal in the middle of the night," he said with a smirk.

After that we fall back into silence. But this time it wasn't awkward or anything. It was comfortable. It was just like old times. It felt like we were Harry and Mia again. Part of me was terrified of that but the other was ecstatic.

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