Chapter 6: He Must Be Mental

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"You were everything, everything that I wanted"

It's now Friday. The rest of the week was a huge contrast to Monday.

Monday was just...I don't even know anymore.

Things went back normal...or as normal as life can get with me.

I woke up this morning, did my usual routine, with the addition of having to wake Mari up as well.

Story of my life...cue facepalm.

When I eventually got her up, we took turns getting ready in the bathroom. Since I was ready first, I got breakfast ready in the meantime.

What was breakfast you ask?

Waffles straight from the toaster.

As usual, we left home the same time as every morning, eating breakfast in the car. I drop Mari off at school. Every time I have to come to this place, literally the thought that always pops into my head is how much of my monthly earnings this one building sucks out of me.

It's like a freaking vacuum, I tell you!

Then I have to remind myself that despite this school's attempt at trying to run me dry, it's what's best for her right now. She's not average. Far from, actually. She has additional needs and more advanced attention then any child her age. So what if her specific type of schooling is more expensive? It's better than risking her becoming bored and resentful at learning while sitting in a classroom where she feels that her capabilities are being stifled.


I just finished unpacking most of the moving boxes into the apartment, well they say flat here in London but same thing. It was awfully quiet, almost too quiet which led me to think that Mari was up to something. Always looking for things to keep her occupied.

I tip toed around the flat looking for her but I can't find her anywhere. She wasn't in any of the rooms. I went into my bedroom and noticed that there was a tiny space between the bed and the wall that you could easily miss if you're not looking closely.

I walked toward the opening and what I saw had my jaw on the floor. Mari was sat behind the box that contained my old school things with a math textbook on her lap and a pencil in her hand, her attention solely on an equation in the book.

"¿Dónde aprendiste a hacer eso?" I said in amazement.

With her focus still in the book, she said, "No sé. I just saw the box behind the bed and I got curious."

After a few moments, she handed me the book and asked, "Could you check these please. But I am pretty sure that they're correct."

I muttered, "Show off" to which she shrugged. I took the book from her and did as she asked. As I'm looking at the page, I realize that she had picked up my old Physics textbook. I froze in disbelief for a minute then went back to looking at the textbook.

There were calculations scribbled all over the page. How is a four year old able to do this? I thought to myself. After checking her answers, I looked up at her in shock while she sheepishly smiled at me. She had gotten all the answers right.

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