Chapter 56: Failed Dates and Bacon?

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I wake up the next morning with an instant headache. Everything that happened yesterday just came rushing back and it all became too much.

My life was simple. Quiet. Peaceful.

I worked hard to get it that way and it's like all of it was in vain. But was it really though? He's messed with my head so much that I can't differentiate between right and wrong anymore. I can't even decipher if that's a good thing or not.

Out of nowhere, catching me off guard, my body assumes an upright position when the door to the bedroom suddenly flies open. A shooting pain instantly makes its way to the front of my head.

Yeah, maybe don't sit up so quickly with a headache...

In the doorway stands a, might I say, very attractive looking, Harry wearing a red and white striped apron that I instantly recognized, his hair pulled back into a little bun and in his hand was a spatula.

It caught me off guard because not once has Harry ever came to my room since I've been here.

Well...except for that time...which we shall not think about.

But he has always managed to give me space so that I was able to get what things I had to do, done. He said he didn't want to disturb me.

And yet, after what happened last night, I thought he'd want to keep his distance even more but here he is, casually coming into my room without knocking as he usually does before 10am.

Something's fishy...

But this headache really isn't giving me room enough to care to find out what it is so I guess I'll just play along.

Leaning against the door frame, he asks, "What are you still doing up here?"

I countered with an amused smile, "Is that your apron from the bakery?"

He straightens up and struts, literally struts as if he were on the runway, into my room and gestures to the apron, "Yes, yes it is. Problem?"

"I just can't believe you still have it, " I laughed. Memories...

"And I can't believe you're still in bed!" He huffs with a hand on his hip. I can't help but laugh at how much he emulates a house wife right now and I see him trying to fight a smile under his annoyance.

"Okay, okay. You've had your fun. Now come on down, breakfast is almost ready."

"Actually, I'm not really hungry right now so you can go on ahead without me," I turn him down and start to reach across to the bedside table to retrieve my books, "I've got a date with Biochemistry," I try to joke but all he does is stare at me. That intense stare that always makes me weak in the knees. He stares as though the gears in his head are turning. Like he knows something that I don't and it makes me so nervous that I gulp.

And then like a switch, he says, "Suit yourself," and in his very Harry way, he winks at me before disappearing out into the hallway, intentionally leaving the door open.

That was weird...

I stare at the closed book in front of me, trying to tell myself to open it but I just can't get myself to stop thinking about what just happened. I know he's up to something. Like I said before, subtle is not one of his best qualities. But it makes me curious as to what he's up to, especially since just a few days ago he was so cautious about disturbing me.

Hold the phone!

Goosebumps raise and all overthinking flies out the window at the heavenly smell wafting into the room. Almost hypnotized, my body follows the scent straight out of the bedroom and into the hallway, down the stairs and into the kitchen.

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