Chapter 12: Here We Go

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After my very thorough conversation with the boys, we seem to have come to a mutual understanding. Well....I didn't really give them much of a choice. Harry was being weird around me now. I can't explain it but he was being......i don't know. And everytime I saw him, he always seemed to be deep in thought.


They returned to their rooms after our mini meeting in the hallway. I secretly left Liam in charge just in case. Shhh!

It was time to get Mari from school and I wasn't going to take the chance of another crack in the wall, worse yet, the ceiling. Good thing I said the kitchen was off limits!

When I picked her up from, she seemed to have an extra burst of energy. Oh god.....

She was extremely hyper and talkative. I don't think she's this happy to be going to Anne's. At least that's what I told her.....

We did our usual Evening Jam Session when she noticed that we weren't heading towards Anne's house. Here we go.......

"Mamá! Aunty Anne's house is the next way. Why are we going in the opposite direction?" she whined.

I smirked and simply said,"Tú veras"

"Now put back on the music! You're killing my jam!"

And so we continued, until.....

"We're visiting abuelita! Please say we're going to see abuelita."she was now bouncing up and down, puppy dog eyes on display.

"Oh? And what happened to staying at Aunty Anne's?"I smirked. I'm so evil.

She stops bouncing and looks at me,"Why do you always do this!"she whined and continued,

"You know I'm very indecisive! I can't pick one! You're not fair!" she crossed her small arms over her chest and pouted. Oooh her vocabulary is picking up.

I chuckled and said,"Tell you what, we go to abuelita today because you're going to Aunty Anne's on Sunday. How does that sound?"

She lets out a breath and quietly says,

She's in for a real surprise now.

Not too long after, I am parking the car and heading towards the expensive looking front door.

Mari ran ahead of me after she gave up trying to get to me hurry up. Now she is currently repeatedly ringing the doorbell yelling for Abuela or Maria.

As I reach her, I pat her head and say," Ease up a bit. The whole neighbourhood probably heard you."

She turns to me with an annoyed look that I can't help but laugh at. She's so adorable! Just like her mother.....

I let out a sigh then take out my keys to open the door. When I push it open, she runs past me again, further into the house, calling for Maria.

"She isn't here, Mari. She probably went to hide from you. Why don't you go look for her?"I said with a smile, so as to not give anything away.

"Like Hide and Seek? But esta casa es enorme! I'd never find her,"she whined.

I tapped my index finger against my chin to appear as though I'm thinking about something.

"Hmmm. You know..... I think I saw her on the second floor. Go check there."

She nodded rapidly before running up the stairs. I follow closely behind her to see her reaction.

When she reaches the floor, she immediately runs to the first door she sees. Liam's

She opens the door and pokes her head through. A girlish shriek suddenly comes through the door. At first I thought it was Mari but upon further observation, she stood frozen in shock.

I walked to see what was going on the room. Once I make my presence known, I see 4/5 of One Direction all piled on the bed staring at Mari wide eyed. Well everyone except Harry.....

"Mia! There's a tiny human stood at the door!"Niall points at her.

Liam and Louis nod in agreement.

"Niall don't point! It's rude,"I playfully scold and gesture to Mari,"and this is Mariangeli but she prefers Mari."

She is still frozen in her spot so I wave a hand in front of her face. Without moving her body, her eyes never leaving the boys, she says, "Is it my birthday?"

I laugh and say to the boys,"You guys don't mind keeping her company for a bit, do you? I need to make dinner. Get to know each other! Socialize."

I continued,"She's five. She's harmless. The most she'd do is talk your ear off."

Louis pipes in,"Dinner better be good." At the same time, Niall's stomach decides to grumble.

"Really? I get it, you're hungry. It's your fault the kitchen is off limits anyway."

"It's okay, Mia. We love kids. We'll watch her, don't worry." Liam says to me and then turns to Harry, Niall and Louis,

"Right, boys?"

A chorus of yeses follow and the next thing I know, Mari is torn from my side and unto the bed.

"You can go now, Mia. You aren't needed at the moment,"Louis playfully waves me off.

I was about to take another step but stopped and watched them on the bed nervously.

"What's wrong, Mia? You afraid we're going to corrupt her or something?" Harry teases.

"Yes!" I exclaim.

"Oh come on! Don't be dramatic!" said Harry followed by many throw pillows thrown towards me. Ha! They missed.

"Alright, alright! I'm going!"

I was almost out the door, turned to them one last time and said,"I'm watching you. You too, Mari!"

The last thing I see before I leave the room is them playfully rolling their eyes at me.

As I'm making my way to the kitchen. I start to think that this was a bad idea. Maybe I shouldn't leave them together......


I know, short chapter. I wanted to put out a few fun chapters before the drama starts picking up cuz when it starts.....there's no turning back!

If you enjoyed it please🙏


And thanks to all of my reader! I love yall❤❤

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