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Wayne Dyer once said to stop living as if life is a rehearsal and to live this day as if it were your last because the past is over and gone and the future is not guaranteed.

I didn't know how to do that.

Truth is, I've been living in my past since that day...since that year, 2010. I guess I felt guilty knowing that I'm living my life, just like they were supposed to. It didn't help either when the persons I thought cared about me either abandoned or plainly degraded my pride and who I was as a person and then abandoned me.

People get physical scars all the time, some even choose to cover them up with makeup or even just their clothes. I like to think that we all have scars that we want to hide and that no matter how big, they were easy to conceal.

Or so I thought.

Some scars aren't as easy to cover up like I thought and I'm not talking about the physical ones; the ones that are visible to the human eye. For as long as I can remember, I chose to hide them in a closet and throw away the key, ignoring the pain I felt inside because I thought I deserved it. Because she told me I deserved it.

But I've learnt that those scars aren't invisible to all humans, especially to those closest around me and when they tried to help, I'd push them away and say I'm fine.

But they didn't stop. They kept pushing and pushing until they dug themselves deep enough into my heart but I'd never show it.

I never understood why I was so afraid of letting them know how I felt or why it was so hard for me to open up to them, no matter how close they were to me.

But then I met someone. A person I never thought I'd see in this lifetime again. A soul I never thought I'd cross paths with again.

He showed me what it was to live again. He taught me how to love unconditionally and not hold it back for one specific person in my life because there were so many more who should feel it too.

He showed me what it was to cry. To feel pain. To let out years of anguish and hatred and guilt and most importantly, grief.

He taught me how to be myself.

I couldn't predict where life was going to take us. I couldn't predict the rollercoaster that came with him and his friends.

This boy led me into a dark tunnel and I blindly followed him towards the light at the end...only that wasn't just any light; it was a train.

And even after all of that, I'd still say that I don't regret any of it.

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