Part1: Two different Person

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Author's note: Sorry for the grammar,I'm not good at English. And please bare with the TIME SKIP parts 😊


*Alrm clock ringing*

'AGHHHH!,sh!t', I mentally cursed

"Jinnie,wake up. Time for school",my nanny said.
"Uhm,coming". I Simply replied.
While walking towards the bathroom,I saw myself in front of the mirror. "Oh yeah,I drink last night".
I was enjoying my bath and then.... suddenly.... I realize..." Oh shoot!,I have school I'm going to be late!", I quickly finish my bath and wear my uniform. I was running downstairs when nanny call me.
"Sweety, aren't you going to have breakfast first?", She asked. "No! I'll just eat at school!bye!", I answer while running. I was about to enter my car when my phone ring.
🐶: Why?

                                          Pick me up,I'll be waiting:🐥

🐶:Don't you have a car?!

                                   I had fight last night,so yeah!:🐥

*End Call*
" Why do I have to pick this duck up?!ugh I hate you", while I was driving I saw a girl fighting with a guy,it's interesting to watch but nah!I'm gonna be late.
"Yah!get in, We're late",I said. "Since when are you worried to be late?huh?",she said. "You know what I'm going to leave here",I rolled my eyes. "Okey,okey relax!I'm getting in!Now drive!".

After I park my car the duck left me behind and by the way Her name is CHOI "ANNOYING" YENA. She's my best friend,I think so. We are friends since we are in our mothers womb. We basically know each other so much.

While walking in the pathway,I get my phone in my pocket and listen to some music. Someone just pour a milk in my Uniform,IN MY UNIFORM!

"WHO THE H3LL DID THAT?!",I shout. "Me,why you gotta problem?I thought you can't feel emotion. Base on my research, Alexithymia means you can't feel any emotion?".

Oh yeah,I forgot about this guy. He's Guanlin my greatest enemy.

I just continue walking to avoid a fight. I'm so tired of fights.

"That's right,just walk away like you always do. Is that what your mom thought you?",he said.

"Yeah,my mom thought me not to waste my saliva on stupid people",I turned my back against him.

I started walking. Few seconds later I heard noise but I didn't look back. I got in the comfort room and change my clothes.I often get this treatment,nothing new,I just let everything slide. I always have extra clothes in my bag cause I know this will happen,girl scout are helpful too🙂.

"You are 10minutes late Ms. Ahn" Prof said. "It won't happen again",I bowed. "Nothing's new Ms. Ahn your always late,don't say things you can't do" he stated. "Hm"I simply answer. "Go to your seat". I bow for the second time.

I was daydreaming the Whole Class. I hate being at school,i want to quit but I want to have a future too although my dad already plan my future🙄.

'Time skip'

I am here now at the cafeteria,eating my food PEACEFULLY. Not until Yena Came.
"Hey,what's with that face?"she sit beside me. "I always have this face"I simply stated. "B!tch,I mean this emotion you have right now!"she said. "Yena,I'm always like this remember?" "Yeah yeah that's why they give you that nickname of yours. I envy you *pout*" she said. "You can have my nickname". "Why are you so cold right now?". "Yena please not now" I answer.

A loud thud was heard in the cafeteria,I look up and I saw Guanlin with his so called Bodyguard 🙄.

"What do you need?*smile*" yena asked. "I need to talk to Yujin"he said. "Uhm sorry,I don't think she wants to talk to you right now?don't comeback next time,okey?"yena said. "I don't need your permission you duck!get out!"he push yena which cause yena to yell in pain.

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