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•Advance sorry for the grammar•

I'm at bed, listening to some music when my phone buzz.

"Need something?"I directly ask. "No,but I want you to come at my place"she said. "And why would I?"I said. "Cause I'm bored and Oppa is not here. Bring soju,okey?bye"she hung up the phone.

I'm now at the store buying soju. I'm about to go to the counter when a guy bump my shoulder. I didn't look at the guy and continue to walk.

I'm walking when I receive a message from Sungmin Oppa.
*Text message*
😎:Where are you?your going to yena right?

                                          Yes,I'm on my way. Why?:🐶

😎:Please tell her I'm not going home

                                                     Got some business?:🐶

😎:Yeah. Tell her to sleep early

                                                                  No problem:🐶
😎:Thank you,bye
*End Message*

I'm in the elevator now waiting it to stop. When I'm in front of there door I just get in without knocking. And hollysh!t,I saw her.......w-walking....w-without... Short🙂

"YAH!KNOW HOW TO KNOCK"she said while running. "It's not my fault!" I respond.

A minute pass and she got out in her room. I giggle while remembering what Happened earlier.

"Yah!stop it. It's embarrassing"she said. "We know each other,it's not that embarrassing"I said. I was washing my hands when we heard a knock.

"I'll get it!"yena shout. I continue washing my hands.

"Here". "Chicken?"I ask. "NO,ITS A WHOLE DAMN COW"she said. I throw the empty water bottle in her direction 🙂

We are sitting in the sofa drinking and talking about random stuffs. After 5 minutes,we heard a knock. I open the door and that person literally push me out of her way.

"Sakura!You came!"yena yell. "HEY,can't you greet me properly unnie?"I ask while standing up.
"UNNIE?!You call her Unnie and you just call me Yena?!"she said. "Yes,why?"I said. "Your so mean"she said while pouting

30 minutes have passed and this two are now drunk. I clean our mess and carried this two in the bed,i don't care If I put this two in the same room.

I'm now laying down in the sofa,staring at the white ceiling waiting for my eyes to close...

I suddenly wake up,I rubbed my eyes. I heard screaming, noises, footsteps running. What's that?is there a zombie?a zombie outside?NO!I DONT WANT TO DIE,IM STILL VIRGIN. I DONT WANT TO BE A VIRGIN ZOMBIE!

I started to panick,I quickly run to the door and contemplating if I would open the door or not.

At the end I decided to slowly open the door,when I touch the door I Yelp in pain. It's so hot,why is it hot?Is there a fire? A FIRE?!

I quickly find a clothe and tried to open the door and this time I successfully open the door.

When I open the door,all I can see is smoke. A thick smoke. I was about to run for my life but I realize theres two drunk girl in the room.

I run and wake up this drunk b!tches. I tried my best to wake them up and this unnie just slap me.


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