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~Advance sorry the wrong grammar~


Yujin wake from her nightmare, She look at her phone and the time was 3:00 am. She headed in the kitchen and drink some water and observe her surroundings

🐶: Something's not right *whisper*

She notice that the other room is slightly open, She is walking slowly when her phone buzz inside her room.

🐶: What?

Your wake?:🐥

🐶: Lower your voice,yes I'm awake

Buddy,I can't sleep:🐥

🐶: Why?

I feel like someone is watching me:🐥

🐶: Go to your omma or appa's room

They are not here:🐥

🐶: Your Oppa

His girlfriend is with her. I hate his girlfriend:🐥

🐶: Stay there and go back to sleep, everything's fine

Yujin go back in her bed and go back to sleep.

Yena,on her room is hiding on her blanket. Yena hates dark,her Oppa turn the light off on her room when he saw Yena is sleeping.

Yena remover her blanket,she look at the window and she saw a shadow of a guy. She was afraid,she run to her oppa's room

🐥: Oppa
Oppa: Whats the problem?
Girlfriend: Your sister is annoying *whisper*
🐥: Someone is looking at me... f-from the window
Oppa: Maybe it's just a tree branch
🐥: But Oppa,I saw shadow of a guy
Oppa: A guy
Girlfriend: Yah,Yenasii. Go back to your room and sleep,don't you know your disturbing our sleep
Oppa: Yah!
Girlfriend: *look at Sungmin*
Oppa: You don't talk to my sister like that. Your my Girlfriend but she's more important for me
Girlfriend: Can't you see she's just acting?
🐥: But Oppa
Oppa: Tomorrow morning,leave. Know how to respect my lil sister. Let's go to your room *hold Yena's hand*
🐥: Okey Oppa
Girlfriend: Yah! Your leaving me here?
Oppa: Yes

Wonyoung barely sleep, She was just using her phone all night.

Dad: Princess?
W🐰: Yes dad
Dad: Eat your breakfast,later we're going to our old house
W🐰: I will eat later that,I'll shower first
Dad: Okey princess

Wonyoung text her Girlfriend
W🐰: Jagi?

Why Jagi?:🐶

W🐰: Where are you?

House Jagi:🐶

W🐰: Are you going somewhere later?

No jagi:🐶

W🐰: I'm going there,after me and Dad go to our old house

Sure Jagi:🐶

W🐰: I'll call you later and DONT GO ANYWHERE

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