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~Advance sorry for the wrong grammar~


Wonyoung is staying in my room,thinking about random stuffs. Yujin is being wierd lately,Yujin is a mysterious person to Wonyoung ever since they meet each other. She look at phone and found one message from her Girlfriend.
🐶: Can you come?

At your house?:W🐰

🐶: Yes,if you're free

I'll be there:🐶


Its been 3 months since Yujin move out from her dad's house. Their are doing fine,she sometimes show her soft side to Wonyoung and Wonyoung love it.

Wonyoung is now at Yujin's house.

W🐰: Where's your unnie?
👩: Inside her room unnie
W🐰: Thank you
👩: I don't think she's in a good mood

W🐰: Jagi?
🐶: Hi Jagi
W🐰: What are you doing?
🐶: Oh this? Don't mind this
W🐰: So-Yi said your not in the mood
🐶: Yeah earlier
W🐰: Is there a problem?
🐶: I'm finding out who's the culprit... Again
W🐰: On your mom's Accident?
🐶: *Nodding* HEHEHE
W🐰: What did you find?
🐶: Nothing... There's no article about moms accident,so finding out who's the culprit is not easy but...
W🐰: But?
🐶: I found this
W🐰: Plate number of a car?
🐶: Yes,this was on scene... This was not mom's plate number
W🐰: Can I see it?
🐶: Here... And also I found this*continue speaking*
W🐰: XxxxxxX?
🐶: Yes,why? I think That's the plate number of the Culprit's car. Something's wrong?
W🐰: Is this really the plate number?
🐶: I'm not sure but that is on the scene
W🐰: Ohhh *get her phone*
🐶: Something's wrong?
W🐰: Nothing jagi
🐶: I really don't understand why there is no single article about it
W🐰: ...
🐶: There's still a lot to search but... I'll take it slow
W🐰: Take it slow *smile*
🐶: I'm hungry... Let's forget about this
W🐰: Your hungry? You didn't eat breakfast?
🐶: No
W🐰: Let's eat outside
🐶: Okey,I'll get dress

While Yujin is changing her clothes. Wonyoung take a look at Yujin's messy desk. This thing's hurt Wonyoung's head but one thing caught Wonyoung's attention... It's---

🐶: Let's go
W🐰: O-oh. Let's go
🐶: Let's eat at my favorite restaurant
W🐰: okey you drive
🐶: My car?
W🐰: *nod*

🐶: How was the food?
W🐰: It was delicious
🐶: Can we go at Yena's house?
W🐰: Of course
🐶: Let's go

Inside Yujin's car

W🐰: Something wrong? Is there a problem?
🐶: Problem? No
W🐰: *side hug Yujin* I know you have
🐶: *Deep breath* I'm fine
W🐰: You can tell me your problems,I'll listen
🐶: I'm determined to find the culprit this time... Once I found out who's that person,I'm going to ruin their whole family
W🐰: B-but... That's not how you take right justice
🐶: *Look at Wonyoung* That's how I wanted it to be
W🐰: Jagi,let's find some other way
🐶: That's how I wanted *monotone*
W🐰: Listen to me Jagi *head hung low*
🐶: I will do this on my own way,I will do this how I wanted it to be
W🐰: *scared*
🐶: Wait here...

🐶: Yena?
🐥: Why are you here?!
🐶: Let's talk
🐥: Okey,let's talk in my room

🐶: Help me
🐥: With Wonyoung?
🐶: Not Wonyoung
🐥: Then what?
🐶: Finding the culprit
🐥: Buddy... You've been doing that---
🐶: I'm determined this time
🐥: But...
🐶: Buddy?
🐥: Are you sure about this?
🐶: *Look at yena*
🐥: Okey
🐶: You have Hwanwoong's number?
🐥: Yes,why?
🐶: Are you slow?
🐥: ... Ahhhhhhhhhhh
🐶: Call him for me
🐥: Okey
🐶: Don't tell Moonbyul about this,she's just going to stop me
🐥: Here
🐨: Oh yenassi

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