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~Advance sorry for the wrong grammar~


I woke up,I look around but I can't identify where the place... where am i?. The last person I was... Was... Moonbyul unnie. Where is she?

Girl: Hi
W🐰: Where am I?
Girl: Ummmm... this place is nothing special... so... Don't bother ask where you are
W🐰: Why am I being tied? Am I a hostage?
Girl: *laugh* You're kidding right?
W🐰: ...
Girl: Why would I hostage my masters lovely daughter *touch Wonyoung's chin*
W🐰: ???
Girl: Oh,I forgot... You still don't know *whisper*
W🐰: *struggling to escape*
Girl: Your just wasting your energy dear
W🐰: Who are you?
Girl: Me? uhmmm... I wish I could tell you my name but... No,I can't
W🐰: Your dead when I tell Dad about this
Girl: *laugh* what should I do then?... Hmmmm,run and hide on my closet?
W🐰: Untie me!
Girl: *put her finger on Wonyoung's mouth* Shhh
W🐰: *try to bite the finger*
Girl: Ohhh... that was close
W🐰: Let me go!
Girl: Shut up
W🐰: No! Let me go!
Girl: *get out her gun* Shut up!
W🐰: *scared*
Girl: Shut that Fvcking mouth... I don't want to hurt you
W🐰: Please let me go
Girl: Dakchyeo!!!
W🐰: *Collapse*
Girl: Okey... That was easy
X🐶: That's dangerous
Girl: Aish, kamjagya
X🐶: Master said not to use any weapon in front of her
Girl: Shut up,it's unloaded *show him the gun*
X🐶: Let's go... Bring her
Girl: Why me?
X🐶: Aghhhhh!,okey I'll do it

🐻: Wait
🌕: Why?
🐻: Ryujin's calling
🌕: Answer it
💙: Unnie

Where are you?🐻

💙: Side of the building

We'll go there:🐻

💙: You're with Moonbyul unnie?


💙: Be fast unnie

🐻: Side of the building
🌕: There
🐻: This stupids... Why do they park the car their?
🌕: Let's go
🐻: *Nod*

💙: Unnie
🌕: Park your car somewhere not here,it's dangerous
💙: Ne unnie
🌸: Where we're you?
🌕: Somewhere,don't mind that
🐻: You found Yujin?
🍰: We were waiting for your instruction
🐻🌕🌸💙🐶J🐰Y🐰🦊🧚🐱🦁🐆: *look at Hyewon*
J🐰: I told them to get moving but... They were waiting for you two
🦁: Let's go unnie?
🌕: Room 16
J🐰Y🐰🦁🍰🐆🐱🧚🦊🐶💙🌸🐻: ???
🌕: 3 of you,go to that room
🐱🦁Y🐰: Ne!
🌕: No,no,not you *pull Yuna*
Y🐰: Why?
💙: I'll go instead
Y🐰: Unnie~
💙: It's dangerous for you to go
Y🐰: But---
💙: No buts,listen to me
🌕: Follow me Seulgi and Jeongyeon
🦊: Where are you going?
🌕: Find my dad
🦊: He's in this building?
🐻: We'll explain later just go
💙: Okey?

Meanwhile,on Yujin.
???: Yes, shes Wonyoung
🐶: Let her be
???: Soft?
🐶: *Look at the guy*
???: You want to know who I am?
🐶: No... your nothing special to me
???: Not to you... but maybe for him... *Pointing at Someone*
🐶: ...
???: You don't care?... Oh I see
🐶: Are you afraid?
???: Afraid? *Laugh* Tell me,who are you?
🐶: ...
???: Don't stay silent,tell me who you are
🐶: ...
???: Tell me why should I BE AFRAID
🐶: ...
???: *Laugh* This is bullshit
🐶: Let my girlfriend and My dad go
???: And? You'll spare my life? *Laugh* pathetic
🐶: This is between You and Me
???: You and Me? Are you Stupid? Or... You still don't know *look at Mr.🐶* Ahhhhhhhh you hide it too? *Laugh*
🐶: What are you talking about?
???: As you see here *walking slowly* it's not just You and Me... Hmmmm,should I tell you?
🐶: Where's Yena?
???: Yena?... Ahhh,your buddy? Oh don't worry she's fine
🐶: What did you do to her?
???: We just play some games... She's sleeping now
🐶: What do you want?
???: Shouldn't I ask you that?... What exactly do you want?
🐶: Justice for my mom
???: Oh... Ahhh,about that incident. Maybe... You want to ask your Dad about that
🐶: ...
???: Come on,ask him. I want to see how you two make conversation
🐶: ...
???: Do you want me to do it?
🐶: ...
???: Okey I'll do it for you... Let's have some manners shall we... Mr. Ahn, What was the reason of your wife's death? Ohhh, mistake. Should I change it to who?... Who was the reason of your wife's death?
Mr.🐶: ...
???: As far as I know, you're not mute
🐶: Stop this
???: Why? I'm just getting started,I'm having fun
Mr.🐶: Stop this!
???: *Gun shot* Never shout
W🐰: *Slowly opening her eyes*
🐶: Are you the Culprit?
???: Me? The Culprit *laugh*
🐶: *Saw chaeyoung from the window*
???: That was loud,my ear hurts
🦁: *Signaling Yujin*
W🐰: *look at Yujin*
🐶: *Meet Wonyoung's eyes*
Mr.🐶: It was my fault,give me my punishment just let my Yujin go
🐶: *Look at her father*
???: How sweet... You want to know something Yujin... Your father and my wife... Has---
Mr.🐶: Stop it!
???: What?! Afraid? It's true that you have an affair with my wife. How was it? It is good? Huh? You piece of shit!
W🐰: What? *Whisper*
🐶: Say it again *monotone*
W🐰: *look at Yujin* she's scary *whisper*
???: There we go... It's not just about You and Me,it's also about your father. Your father cheated on your mother,you didn't know right?,well now You know
🐶: Dad?
???: Tell her Mr. Ahn
🐶: ???
???: now!
Mr.🐶: Okey!... I cheated on your mother for four months
🐶: Why dad?
Mr.🐶: I was out of my mind
???: *Chuckle*
🐶: You killed my mother?
???: Me? No *laugh*
Mr.🐶: It was you!
???: Shut up jerk!.... You two wanna know who?
🐶: ...
???: It was my wife
Mr.🐶: You piece of shit!
🐶: *Signal Wonyoung to calm down and stay low*
???: Your daughter seems to be not surprise
🐶: Is that it?
???: It's a long story but... It's up to you to figure it out
🐶: Who are you?
???: *Kick Wonyoung*
W🐰: Ahhhhhhhh
???: *Remove his mask*
W🐰: Dad?
🐶: Dad?
Mr.🐰: Yes, it's me my precious daughter
🐶: *About to run to Wonyoung*
Mr.🐰: Not so fast *point the gun*
🐶: *Stop*
Mr.🐰: don't move or I'll shoot you
🐶: Don't touch her
Mr.🐰: It's my daughter,I do what I want
🐶: Do not touch her
Mr.🐰: Why? Going to do something?
🐶: *Run again*
Mr.🐰: *Shoot Yujin's Shoulder*
W🐰&Mr.🐶: Yujin!
🐶: *Fell down*
W🐰: Appa!
Mr.🐰: Yes princess?
Mr.🐶: Yah!
🐶: *Point the gun to Mr.🐰 Head*
Mr.🐰: Where did you get that? *Whisper*
🐶: I warned you
Mr.🐰: You can't be stop by words then... Let's use some actions shall we? *Pull Wonyoung*
W🐰: Ahhhhh,Appa!
Mr.🐰: Put the girl down!
🐶: *Counting in her mind*
W🐰: Appa! It hurts
Mr.🐰: Kneel down! I want you to kneel!
🐶: Why would I kneel?
Mr.🐰: *Point a gun at her daughter's head*
🐶: Now!

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