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Yujin and Wonyoung just got home from school. Today is their 1st Anniversary,they were both busy today.

🐥: Buddy

Yes? Make sure this is important:🐶

🐥: You two still home?


🐥: You two not going somewhere?


🐥: Don't tell me you forgot about it

Forgot about what?:🐶

🐥: It's your 1st anniversary idiot

Ahhh... Wait...1st anniversary?:🐶

🐥: Yes


🐥: You owe me this time

Yujin change her clothes,she enter in Wonyoung's room.

🐶: Jagi?
W🐰: Yes?
🐶: What are you doing?
W🐰: Finishing my report
🐶: I'm going outside
W🐰: Who are you with?
🐶: Just me,I'm going to buy something
W🐰: Okey,be careful

Yujin went to the ice cream and chocolate shop and then to the flower shop. She bought some chocolate,ice cream and a bouquet of flower.

A simple gift for Wonyoung in their first anniversary. She wanted to go somewhere for their anniversary but Wonyoung is kinda busy right now.

Yujin went home with a smile in her face,she knock and enter Wonyoung's room just to see a Rabbit writing something on her notebook.
Yujin cleared her throat to get Wonyoung's attention, Wonyoung turn around and saw her Girlfriend having this creepy smile.

W🐰: Stop smiling you look so creepy Jagi
🐶: I love you
W🐰: Okey... thats random but I love you too
🐶: Are you remembering something?
W🐰: Something? I don't think so

Yujin understand her Girlfriend,her Girlfriend is busy and so as her. She didn't have the strength to scold her Girlfriend for not remembering their anniversary.

🐶: Want some ice cream?
W🐰: Ice cream? Of course Jagi
🐶: Here have some

Yujin give Wonyoung the ice cream,when she saw her Girlfriend busily eating the ice cream she headed to their kitchen.
She put the bouquet and chocolate on the table with a simple letter thanking Wonyoung for staying on her side.

She enter Wonyoung's room again and join her Girlfriend eating the ice cream.

W🐰: What's the ice cream for?
🐶: The ice cream?...it's for... Working hard today
W🐰: Really?
🐶: Yes,you work hard today
W🐰: I should treat you too,you work hard today too
🐶: I'm fine Jagi
W🐰: Are you sure?
🐶: Of course. Are you done with your report?
W🐰: Not yet
🐶: You should finish it quickly so you can rest
W🐰: Yeah
🐶: If you need me I'll be on my room

Wonyoung kiss Yujin and let her Girlfriend leave her room for her to continue doing her report.

After almost 1hour and 30 minutes, Wonyoung finished her report.
Wonyoung headed to the kitchen because she felt thirsty,when she was walking she notice something on the table. When she got closer she recognize that it was a bouquet of flowers,a chocolate and a letter.
She open the letter and read it,it was simple but a heart warming letter.

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