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~Advance sorry for the Grammar~


I wake up with the sound of my alarm clock. I did my daily routine and im ready to go to school.
🐰: I'll pick you up?

                                          Yes please,I'll wait outside:🐭

🐰:I'll be there in 10minutes,I have something to tell you.

                            Your killing me with my curiosity:🐭

🐰:I'll get going now,bye!
*End Call*

I'm now eating silently with my mom and dad,I'm not really in a good mood. I have so many questions to ask to hyewon Unnie.

"Omma,I'll go now"I said to mom. "Are you sure your okey?you can stay here darling"mom said.

I know she's worried about last night but exam is coming I have to study.

"Don't worry mom,I'm fine. I'll call you when I need something"I said. "Be safe my princess okey. We'll go to Kang's later okey?"dad said. "Yeah text me the time,bye!love you both"I said.

Where listening about the fire news last night on my radio. Suddenly Yuri speak.

"Wonyoung,I thought you said you passed out"Yuri said. "Yeah,I did"I said. "How did you get out of the apartment safely?"she said in a curious tone.

Thats the question I've been thinking since last night. I remember that I was being carried,I didn't saw the face of the person. I hate that person so much.

"That's the case,I don't really remember how"I said.
She look at me with a puzzled face.

"I hate that person so much"I said in annoyance.
"Who?" Yuri said. "Ugh,ill tell you when we meet hyewon"I said and she became silent. I turn my head in her direction.

"Yah!what's the matter?"I ask. "We're meeting hyewon now?"she ask.

I look at her,she's fidgeting her hands. Is this girl nervous?again?

"Nothing worry,you can wait here if you still can't face her"I said.

I park the car and got outside. I'm about to ring the doorbell when Yuri shout my name.

"WONYONGIE!"she shout. I turn my head and look at her. "Wait for me,I'm coming"she said.

The door open and reveal the beautiful Kang hyewon the Goddes.

The door open and reveal the beautiful Kang hyewon the Goddes

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"Why would you wake me up at this hour?"hyewon Unnie said.

I wake up because of the b!tch you ring my doorbell non-stop.

When I open the door,I was shock. I don't know what to do or what to say.

"O-ohh,wonyoungie why are you here this early"I said. "I have a lot of questions to ask"she said. I look at the girl beside her.She's not looking at me,her eyes is wondering the place

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