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~ Advance sorry for the grammar~

Another day has come,this is the second day of their camping. Everyone now is getting ready for the next activities. Everyone is excited but not Yujin,Yujin se

🐶: Can I go home now?
🐥: Bruhhhhh. Wait until tomorrow
🐶: I hate you so much
🐥: I love you too
🐶: Please get out
💙: Yah!
🐥: Ahhhhhhhh!
💙: HAHAHAHAHA. Such a scardy cat
🌸: Let's go. I'm excited
🐶: I'm not coming
🐥: Come on!
💙: Yeah, join us in the activities
🐶: No thanks
🌸: What's the matter?
💙: Why are you being like this again?
🐥: Yeah,why
🐶: I said no!
🌸: I thought your always calm. You seems not calm today
💙: O-okey, relax
🐶: Go,now!
🐥: Okey okey

The activities begin, Yujin is staying at her tent. She's not feeling good,she's just laying down. Wonyoung on the other hand didn't join the activities too. Wonyoung is fine,she just don't want to tire herself. Tiring herself is not her hobby,she doesn't like it.

Wonyoung is walking beside the lake,she's feeling the water,the weather is nice. Thinking about random stuffs.

🐰: I want to go home now!
🐶: Me to
🐰: Oh, you surprised me
🐶: You don't want to join them?
🐰: Nah,I'm tired. They can do it without me... You why didn't you join them?
🐶: I don't feel good
🐰: Do you have a fever? *Put her hand on Yujin's forehead*
🐶: *Got startled* U-uhh I guess
🐰: Oh... Sorry for touching you
🐶: It's fine
🐰: You should rest
🐶: When I got home
🐰: The water is nice,come.Put your feet in the water
🐶: Uhh
🐰: Oh yeah your shoes. You can just put them on later
🐶: Okey
Yujin remove her shoes
🐰: There... It's nice right?
🐶: Yeah
🐰: Do you really talk that less?
🐶: Sometimes
🐰: I don't see you talking that much. You seem to have problem with talking
🐶: You don't know me
🐰: Then let me know you. Can I know you? More?
🐶: Are you crazy?You just see me sometime
🐰: Yeah, although we're in the same classroom. Then let's see each other everyday
🐶: Your joking right?
🐰: *Sit in the ground* yeah,I'm just joking. Do you remember something?
🐶: Something?
🐰: I guess you don't
🐶: ???
🐰: Forget it
🐶: *Sit beside Wonyoung* okey
🐰: Why are you so cold?
🐶: Why do you have so much attitude?
🐰: I don't!
🐶: Then I'm not that cold
🐰: I just don't like people getting attached to me
🐶: You don't like people
🐰: Eh?
🐶: You should eat more
🐰: What?!
🐶: Your not heavy at all
🐰: Yah! Just be thankful I'm not heavy
🐶: Okey
🐰: So... You really carry me from the bathroom to the bench?
🐶: Yeah
🐰: I guess... Thank you for that
🐶: I remember something while carrying
🐰: What?
🐶: Are you perhaps the girl with hyewon on room 28?
🐰: Room 28?... Yes. You know Hyewon?So you really remember something
🐶: i know hyewon. So Your the girl who collapse?.
🐰: Yeah, so your the person who carried me out in the apartment?
🐶: *Humm* you know your rude right?
🐰: For what?!
🐶: For jumping off my arms without saying thank you
🐰: Ahhh, sorry bout that and also Thank You. I just... Don't want people touching me without my permission
🐶: Oh okey
🐰: How can I repay you?
🐶: You don't have too
🐰: A coffee,is that okey
🐶: I said it's fine
🐰: I don't take NO for an answer. Give me your number.
🐶: No
🐰: Give me you're number now!
🐶: Do I really have to?
🐰: How am I supposed to contact you?
🐶: Okey *Typing her number*
🐰: Stand up
🐶: Why?
🐰: I'm going to take a picture
🐶: For what?
🐰: Just do it
🐶: But I don't want to
🐰: I don't take NO,faster!
🐶: I don't like you
🐰: Me too,now pose

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