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~Advance sorry for the wrong grammar~
🍓- Nako
🍑- Eunbi
🍞- Hitomi
🧚- Chaewon
🐯- Jennie
🧛- Irene

🧚: YOU KNOW THE REASON... Who's this?
🐶: Wonyoung
W🐰: Hi
🧚: Oh,sassy
🐶: Let's not talk here?
🧚: Where?
🐶: My house
🧚: Let's go then,carry my other bag
W🐰: ???
🐶: Why me?
🧚: Your bigger than me... Don't worry,I won't take Yujin from you *smile at Wonyoung*
W🐰: *smile fakely*
🐶: Lets go

The ride was silent, Chaewon paying attention on her phone while Wonyoung is looking outside.

🐶: I'm going to drop you,it's getting late
W🐰: okey
🧚: Girlfriend?
🐶: Yes
W🐰: *blush*
🧚: First relationship *whisper*
🐶: What?
🧚: Nothing
🐶: I'll pick you up tomorrow
W🐰: But I'm going to buy---
🐶: I'll go with you
W🐰: O-okey
🧚: *Cough*

🐶: We're here
W🐰: Thank you,get home safely
🐶: I will...get inside

The ride Continue but this time both of them are talking

🧚: How's her?
🐶: Who?
🧚: Duck
🐶: She's fine
🧚: In a relationship?
🐶: Yes so leave her alone
🧚: Yah!
🐶: Don't shout on me!
🧚: Getting angry?
🐶: Lets talk in the house,I'm driving
🧚: I don't care if she's in a relationship
🐶: Okey
🧚: ... Where did you meet the girl?
🐶: School,stop asking already
🧚: You hate me?
🐶: No
🧚: I hate you
🐶: Hate me as long as you want

🐶: Nanny!
👵: You're home
🧚: Hi
👵: Oh Chaewon,how are you?
🧚: I'm fine just a little bit tired
👵: You should rest,did you eat?
🧚: No *pout*
👵: I'll prepare your food
🧚: Thank you nanny
🐶: Let's talk on the living room
🧚: How about my bags, where do I put it?
🐶: Leave them there
🧚: Okey

🐶: Why are you here?
🧚: Same reason
🐶: Are you not tired of it?
🧚: Don't talk to me like that,I hate being here
🐶: Then why?
🧚: Mom said I have to, for the sake of our company and also...
🐶: Also what?
🧚: I'm visiting my friend here and the Gang
🐶: Cant you tell your parents---
🧚: I tried a hundred times already
🐶: What are you planning?
🧚: Go with the flow
🐶: You two figure it out
🧚: Where is she?
🐶: I don't know
🧚: How's the squad? I know you came back
🐶: Doing fine
🧚: Tell them that I'm back
🐶: Okey
🧚: Can I stay here?
🐶: No,get a hotel. Leave after you eat
🧚: Okey you cold hearted dog
🐶: Go now.. and I'm not a dog

🐥: Yah! You have some clothes there that I can use? I don't have one here,I don't want to buy new clothes,waste of money.

Stop it,I don't have clothes. Just buy new ones,come with me tomorrow:🐶

🐥: Your buying new clothes?!

Shut it,it's not mine:🐶

🐥: For your girlfriend?

Just come with me tomorrow:🐶

🐥: Pick me up
*End Call*

Yujin is now trying the clothes that her girlfriend pick. She's amaze by the fashion style of her girlfriend.

🐶: This sh!t is real,wah. Do I really have this on my closet? I wish I rock this tomorrow.

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