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~Advance sorry for the wrong grammar~


W🐰: Ahhhhhhhh!

Did I just Fall AGAIN? from my bed. I should really buy a new bed,a bigger one.

I stand up and go to the bathroom. I take a bath and realize that... The school just end. No class today

W🐰: My efforts are on waste. Now I want to go back to sleep... Wait... Yujin's moving out today

After i take a bath,I ate my breakfast and go back on my bed.

Should I call Yujin? I want to go shopping today. I want to go traveling again. That's what I casually do when school ends. But I don't think it's going to happen.

🐶: Yes?

Where are you?:W🐰

🐶: New house,I'm arranging my things

You're there already? I'm going there send me your address:W🐰

🐶: Why?

I'm going to help you:W🐰

🐶: But I can handle this by my own

Are you avoiding me? Are you---:W🐰

🐶: I'm at X"""""""X


🐶: Don't misunderstood it,I was just saying that I can handle this.

Okey,I'll be there:W🐰


My ride was peaceful, I arrive at the address yujin gave and sh!t,the house is so nice. She's moving here?! Is this real?!

W🐰: Oh... What are you doing?
👩: Helping unnie,she's throwing some stuffs,she's cleaning the rooms. Let's go inside unnie
W🐰: Okey,let's go


W🐰: YAH!!!
🐶: *Turn around* Oh your here
W🐰: didn't even flinch *whisper*
👩: Did you eat breakfast unnie?
W🐰: No,I was planning to eat outside
🐶: I'll cook,let's eat here
👩: Yey!
W🐰: We'll eat here?
🐶: Yes,why?
W🐰: Nothing


W🐰: I'll help you
🐶: Stay put,I heard from minju, you don't know how to cook
W🐰: Yah~ I'm just going to help
🐶: Just sit there
W🐰: Okey *pout*
🐶: Stop pouting,your not cute
W🐰: Yah!~
🐶: *Giggle*
W🐰: By the way... How long will you stay here?
🐶: Forever
W🐰: forever? How did you buy this? This house is nice
🐶: This is My mom's house
W🐰: WHAT?! h-how come it's so clean and nice?
🐶: My cousins come here often. I told them to clean the house before cause one day I might move back here
W🐰: Ohhh... But,why didn't you move here sooner?
🐶: I guess... it still hurt me knowing mom isn't in my side anymore
W🐰: *stand up* this place is nice
🐶: My mom loves a clean place
W🐰: You love clean place too?
🐶: Yeah,call So-Yi and nanny
W🐰: your done cooking?
🐶: Yes
W🐰: Nanny's here?
🐶: Yes, she's in the other room
W🐰: Oh

👵: You should've wake me up
🐶: It's fine nanny
👩: Ummmmm
🐶: ???
👩: Can you build a restaurant and be the chief Unnie?
W🐰👵: *laugh*
👵: Are you really like this So-Yi?
👩: I'm just telling the truth, she's so good at cooking
👵: I guess you don't need me anymore Yujin
🐶: Yah,you two stop

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