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~ Advance sorry for the grammar~

I see my best friend and Yuri having a fight. I can see Yuri crying while holding my best friend's hands.

"Why? Are you just playing with me?" I heard Yuri ask. "Yes,my friends and I did a Bet. If I can stay with your for a year. Then I'll own one of there cars---" it was cut off. When I peek,my best friend is already holding her cheek.

Why would she do that,I trust her because I thought she will never hurt Yuri. I love Yuri but I love her more,she's there when I need her or not.

"She will never be enough!" I heard Yuri shout. I see her running away,that's when I did a decision that I know I will regret my whole life.

"YAH!KANG HYEWON!" I shouted. When she turn around I punch her.

She holds her right lip,it's bleeding but I don't care she hurt Yuri.

"You heard it?"she ask. "Yeah! obviously"

I know she can see the anger in my eyes,this is the first time I get angry at her. I never want to hurt her,but I can't control my anger right now.

"Why did you do that hyewon?"I ask her. "Let me explain yena" she was about to hold my hand. "Dont touch me. What more do you want to explain?!"I sternly said.

I'm so disappointed,this isn't the Kang hyewon I know. Kang hyewon would never hurt someone,special the one who is special to her.

"You don't know anything yena!" She shouted. "What thing do I not know Hyewon?"I ask,I'm controlling myself.

I still hope,hyewon has a valuable reason.

"Mom," "mom force me to stop our relationship. In the first place,mom never supported our relationship. She hate it,I had no other choice but to hide it from her" she stop. I wait for her to continue

"Last night she find out about our relationship,she warned me to stop this or she'll hurt my special one's. You two are included in that yena! I had to hurt her,I made her angry at me so she can forget me that easily"she said.

Forget that easily?! seriously?! How can Yuri do that?!

"You know what,I going to tell this right now"I said giving up. "What?" She ask

"Since the day I saw Yuri,I feel in love with her but I never told you. You confess and all went well between you two,it breaks my heart but it's fine you know why. I love her but I love you more. But seeing you hurt Yuri breaks my heart even more"I said. She's just silent listening to me.

"The whole 4years,I was in pain. I watch you having fun with my first love but that's fine. That should be me but that fine cause I see you both happy with each other"I chuckle.

"Friends?bet? What was that?!"I ask. "That was the only reason I can think of. She needs to be angry to me. I'm sorry yena"she said.

"Don't say sorry to me"I said not looking at her. "But you were in pain too"she said.

"That's why I want you to say sorry to her not on me"I said facing her. "I Wish I can do that"she said while her head is hanging low.

"Come here" I pull her,I hug her. No matter how angry I am she's still my best friend.

"Your not angry anymore?"she ask. "I'm still angry,I'm just hugging you" I said before I let go.

"I have to go home now,mom's waiting" I said and leave.

I'm crying and I don't know the reason why. Is it because hyewon hurt Yuri or the fact that I punch my best friend,Or am I crying because of myself.

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