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~Advance sorry for the grammar~


I remember the kid in the guessing room. When I got there...the kid is gone... I tried to find her in the bathroom... But no one's there... And then I realize something...

"NANNY!" I shouted. I'm running downstairs, "NANNY!" I shouted again.

"Yes,sweet?" Nanny said,she's in the kitchen cooking. She's preparing our breakfast.

"Where's the kid?"I ask. "Ahh,So-Yi. She's in the garden"nanny said.

So-Yi?Is that her name? Hmm,nice name.

"Who's with her?"I ask while pouring water in a glass. "Your father"nanny said before turning around.

Ahh,it's father. What?! Father?! What if?what if she hurt So-Yi.

I run and saw them sitting on a bench beside the big tree. They are smiling while looking at the sky,dad's pointing on something. This is suppose to us,me and my father. I miss dad.

I walk closer to them,as I walk. So-Yi saw me... "UNNIE!"she said and pull me. I smile and sit beside her.

"The garden is nice unnie"So-Yi said. I humm "this is my favorite place,it gives me comfort"I said while looking at the sky.

After a few minutes nanny call us for breakfast. I told So-Yi to go,she obey and follow nanny.

I'm walking slowly while looking at the ground when Dad held my shoulder.

"It's been awhile since I saw you smile"he said. "I don't smile that easily"I said and about to go... "Sorry"he said and walk out.

Sorry?did he really said Sorry? I never heard that coming out from his mouth. He's sorry for what?!for hurting me?for blaming me on Mom's death?

"UNNIE?YOUR NOT EATING?"So-Yi said from the kitchen. "Uhm I'm coming"I said and head there.

We're eating quietly, "Unnie?" I humm. "She's not eating with us?" She pointed at nanny.

Dad heard what she said, "Nanny,come eat with us"dad said. I look at him,shes looking at So-Yi. "Nanny,eat with us"nanny sit and eat with us.

After eating,I get my things upstairs.

"Unnie,where are you going?"she ask,I look at her. "School"I said. "Can I come?"she ask. "Maybe next time,I have exam now. Stay here with nanny"I said and about to go.

She hold my hand, "My name is Park So-Yi"she said. I look at her and smile, "Nice to meet you So-Yi, I'm Ahn Yujin. Sorry but I have to go" she nodded "take care Yujin unnie"she said and let go of my hand.

I get my car key and drive. I'm heading to the library to bring back the book. After the library,I'm heading at school.

"YAH!" yena shouted. "YOU LITTLE, My soul almost left my body" I said. "After exam... How about we go and have some fun"yena said.

I hate when this girl suggest to have fun. I don't like it,she have some weird... Unique... Things that I don't understand.

"Nope, leave me out"I said while picking up my things. "Kill joy"yena whisper and rolled her eyes.

"You what,I thought your my best buddy. I thought you love me but I guess not~"
She's into it again, babbling things to make me say yes.

"Okey,okey shut up"I said and started walking. "So It's a Yes?!"excitement can be heard in her voice.
"Yes,... please shut up" I said.

"Today is your exam,please cooperate. No cheating"Prof said while distributing the test papers.

*Phone ringing*
"Who's phone is that". I raised my hand,"mine". "I'm turning it off"Prof said. "Can you tell me who's calling?"I said. "It say's 'FATHER' here"he said.

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