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~ Im using emojis for the characters. Advance sorry for the grammar~

We are now in the house,Yuri is in the kitchen getting some food.

🐸: I really dont have any idea
W🐰: please.stop.thinking.about.yujin.
🐸: Is it really necessary to panic if someone is having fever
🐸: Maybe she's... Ahhhh i really cant figute it out
W🐰: Shut up!
🐸: Are you not worried?
W🐰: Why would i?
🐭: I thought you two have connection
W🐰: We were just talking
🐭: You never talk to someone you didnt know
W🐰: That's how you know people right?
🐸: She has a point
🐭: But this isn't the Wonyoung I know
W🐰: My head hurts so please shut up
🐸: I'm bored hereeeeeee
🐭: Go out then
W🐰: That's right!
🐸🐭: What?!
W🐰: Let's go out
🐭: Please not again
🐸: Where Wonyoung?
W🐰: Hmmmm... How about at our beach
🐸: Your grandmother's beach?
W🐰: Yeah,I haven't visit her for awhile now
🐸: Yeah let's go there
🐭: I'm out
🐸: What?
🐭: I don't want to,it's far
W🐰: Unnie, are you really going to let us be?
🐭: Yes
W🐰: But I thought you love me
🐸: Come with us Yuri.
W🐰: Exam is done. The camping is done. Instead of going to the bar,let's go to the beach
🐸: Yeah,it's a great idea Yuri... I guess
W🐰: *hit minju's head*
🐸: You don't hit your unnie in the head
🐭: I'm going home now bye!
W🐰: HUHUHUHUHUHU unnie don't leave me
🐭: Okey okey shut that mouth
W🐰: *stand up* okey I'll wait in the car. Prepare your things. Pick the dress the you like in my closet.
🐸: Oh okey
W🐰: The other closet unnie!
🐸: HEHEHE sorry
🐭: I sometimes don't like you too

After 10minutes Yuri and Minju Unnie is now ready. They get inside the car and I started driving.

W🐰: Yuri unnie,you can sleep
🐭: Please be quite okey
🐸: Ne *smile*
🐭: Stop doing that your creeping me out
🐸: Yah~~~
W🐰: Snacks are on the back
🐸: Oh snacks

Our ride was fine. The music on the radio is not that loud, Yuri unnie is sleeping, Minju Unnie is eating snacks while looking outside.

🐸: Are you tired Wonyoung. I can drive
W🐰: I'm fine unnie
🐸: Don't worry i know how to drive
W🐰: Unnie,you almost got us killed last year
🐸: Yah,that was last year!
W🐰: Yah lower your voice,Yuri unnie is sleeping
🐸: I know how to drive, promise
W🐰: Make sure to not kill us okey
🐸: Yes,now park the car
W🐰: *park the car* please don't leave a scratch
🐸: I won't,trust me

We arrive in my grandmother's beach. Gladly minju didn't kill us.

W🐰: Yuri unnie,wake up. I have a BIG BIG news
🐭: What?
W🐰: Minju Unnie didn't kill us
🐭: Do you mean... She was the driver earlier?!
W🐰: *nodding*

This girl is so dramatic,But I understand her. Last year,minju unnie almost killed us. She literally bump my car on a post. That was my most precious car, but im glad we're safe,She didn't really kill us.

🐸: Yuri your so dramatic
🐭: I'm just glad we're alive
🐸: I know how to drive Yuri!
🐭: Ohh okey
W🐰: Let's go inside

The place is still the same. The water is so clear,the weather is nice.

🐸: Wow,it's nice
🐭: We've been her before you frog
🐸: Yah,I'm just amaze by how clean and beautiful this place is
W🐰: It looks like me
🐭🐸: Eh?
W🐰: So beautiful
🐭: Where's the bathroom?
🐸: I left something in the car
W🐰: Yah!
🧓: Wonyoung?
W🐰: Grandma!
🧓: Oh god I miss you so much
W🐰: Me too. I miss you so much
🧓: When did you arrive?
W🐰: We just arrive
🧓: Minju,Yuri
🐸🐭: Good day
🧓: Are you staying here?
W🐰: Just one night
🧓: I'll prepare your rooms. Leave your things, I'll call Dahyun to bring it on your rooms.
W🐰: Dahyun?
🧓: My new Assistant
🐸: Ohh
🧓: You can walk over there. The view is nice there
W🐰: Thanks Grandma
🧓: No problem,you can go now

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